Physical Examination and Health Assessment Online for Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition
Online Course

Help your students master physical examination and health assessment with an interactive online course. Corresponding to Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination, 9th Edition, Physical Examination and Health Assessment Online facilitates learning of key physical examination and health assessment skills and makes it easier for students to comprehend the material with a rich collection of interactive modules, video clips, animations, interactive activities, and interactive review questions. Self-paced learning modules with capstone case studies for each body system help students understand and apply physical exam and health assessment principles and techniques. This updated online course is designed to work as an independent learning experience or as a complement to classroom lectures and clinical laboratory experiences.
- Self-paced learning modules with improved usability walk students through an anatomy and physiology review, subjective data collection, objective data collection, documentation, and review of abnormal findings for each body system.
- Capstone cases for each body system demonstrate the realities of clinical practice and promote the application of assessment skills in safe, simulated experiences.
- Interactive activities foster deep learning of assessment techniques, terms, and findings, with a variety of interactive exercises and immediate remediation.
- Interactive, multiple-choice review questions provide interactive self-assessment, with rationales to reinforce understanding of essential content.
- Video clips and NEW 3-D animations demonstrate how to assess patients of various ages, ethnicities, and genders, and bring important anatomic features and physiological processes to life.
- Audio clips demonstrate actual heart, lung, and abdominal sounds, so students can hear and review real-life auscultatory findings.
- NEW! Updated content reflects the latest research findings and evidence-based practice, ensuring congruence with the Ball/Seidel textbook as well as suitability for a variety of health professions students.
- NEW! Revised graphic design in Self-Paced Learning Modules improves usability and increases comprehension.
- Audio Glossary includes key physical examination and health assessment terms with audio pronunciations.
- NEW! Updated content reflects the latest research findings and evidence-based practice ensuring congruence with the Ball/Seidel textbook.
- NEW! 3-D Animations show anatomic illustrations and physiologic processes, bringing important anatomic and physiologic processes to life.
- NEW! Revised content ensures case studies and other examples aren’t specific to any one profession.
- NEW! Revised Memory Match activities improve usability and reduce "cognitive load."
- NEW! Revised graphic design in Self-Paced Learning Modules improves usability and increased comprehension.
- Self-Paced Learning Modules with Capstone Case Studies:
- Skin, Hair, and Nails
- Head and Neck
- Eyes
- Ears, Nose, and Throat
- Chest and Lungs
- Heart
- Blood Vessels
- Breasts and Axillae
- Abdomen
- Female Genitalia
- Male Genitalia
- Anus, Rectum, and Prostate
- Musculokeletal System
- Neurologic System
- Animations
- Audio Clips
- Audio Glossary
- Images
- Interactive Activities
- Multiple-Choice Review Questions
- Video Clips
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