Evolve Resources for Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition
Educator Resources on Evolve
- TEACH for Nurses including new Systems Thinking activities and expanded Concept Mapping Activities
- Image collection of 840 images
- 1,500 PowerPoint® slides with two unfolding case studies and 2-3 audience response questions per chapter
- Test bank with 1,500 items, updated to reflect the latest NCLEX® test plan and with an increased emphasis on clinical judgment
- 75 NGN-style unfolding and single-episode case studies with the latest NGN question formats
Student Resources on Evolve
- 100 animations, video clips, and audio clips
- 11 in-depth case studies
- 70 NGN-style unfolding and single-episode case studies with the latest NGN question formats
- Key points for each chapter
- Review questions for each chapter
- Fluids & Electrolytes tutorial
- Answer keys for in-text Challenge questions and Mastery questions
- Audio glossary
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