Social Occupational Therapy Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 1st Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card

Ground your students in the social issues surrounding occupational therapy practice with Social Occupational Therapy: Theoretical and Practical Designs. Written by Roseli Esquerdo Lopes and Ana Paula Serrata Malfitano, this groundbreaking text offers a global view of the role of occupational therapy and the potential contributions of occupational therapists to their societies — specifically in social services and with populations in situations of social vulnerability. Theoretical and practical chapters examine both occupational therapy and social challenges, and the text’s emphasis on human rights and social issues reflects the World Federation of Occupational Therapists Minimum Standards for the Education of Occupational Therapists. It’s the unique perspective needed to fully prepare today’s students to tackle the social aspects of occupational therapy and respond to social field issues, including education, culture, justice, welfare, and work, as well as health.
- Worldview of social occupational therapy reinforces the importance of the field and underscores the growing practice and theoretical field for global occupational therapy.
- In-depth analysis of social issues is incorporated throughout the text along with a detailed analysis of the potential contributions of occupational therapists to their societies.
- Focus on the social role of occupational therapy highlights the role of occupational therapy as a social profession and prepares students to respond to social field issues, including education, culture, justice, welfare, and work, as well as health.
- Theoretical and practical chapters talk about occupational therapy and social challenges.
- Emphasis on human rights and social issues reflects the World Federation of Occupational Therapists Minimum Standards for the Education of Occupational Therapists.
Section I: Conceptual Outlines: Colors and Textures
1. Citizenship, Rights, and Social Occupational Therapy
2. Social Occupational Therapy in Brazil: A Historical Synthesis of the Constitution of a Field of Knowledge and Practice
3. Occupational Therapy and Socioeconomic Processes
4. Occupational Therapy: Social, Cultural? Diverse and Multiple!
5. Social Context and Social Action: Generalizations and Specificities in Occupational Therapy
6. Occupational Therapy in the Context of Social Protection Expansion
7. Occupational Therapy and Social Assistance: Building a Critical Thinking About the Field
8. The Theory of Communicative Action: A Theoretical-Methodological Contribution to Social Occupational Therapy
9. Citizenship and Cultural Diversity in Management of Cultural Policies
10. Traditional Peoples and Communities: Traditional Occupation as a Theme of Social Occupational Therapy
11. School and Youth — Contributions of Social Occupational Therapy
12. Social Occupational Therapy, Offenses and School: Complex Plots in Fragile Relations
13. Social Occupational Therapy and the Eradication of Child Labor in Brazil: The Challenge of Articulating Social Protection and Autonomy
14. Informing Social Occupational Therapy: Unpacking the ‘Social’ Using Critical Social Theory
15. Occupational Therapy on the Move: On Contextualizing Citizenships and Epistimicide
Section II: Sketches and Scenarios
Theoretical-Practical Sketches and Contemporary Scenarios: The METUIA/UFSCar Experience in Social Occupational Therapy
16. Resources and Technologies in Social Occupational Therapy: Actions with Poor Urban Youth
17. Social Occupational Therapy in School: Experiences with a Student Association
18. The Caravan for the Promotion of Rights: Disseminating and Discussing the Child and Adolescent Statute (CAS) in Schools
19. Youth and Education: The Path Constituted by the Non-Place
20. Paths of Life and the Marks of the Juvenile Justice System
21. Social Occupational Therapy and the Support Contextures: An Experience Beyond Formal Devices
22. Poor Youth and the City: Violated Rights, Denied Spaces
23. Overcoming Invisibility: Carla's Story
24. Social Occupational Therapy, Gender and Sexuality
25. Activity Workshops: Exploring the Use of Digital Media by Brazilian Youths
26. Under and Between Trees: Social Occupational Therapy in a Public Square
27. The Planting Has Become a Plantation: Germinating Relationships to Sow Ties