Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 3rd Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

What makes a good nurse leader or patient care manager? Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care, 3rd Edition provides a comprehensive, evidence-based guide to the skills and competencies needed to lead effectively. Coverage includes a wide range of management concepts, such as prioritization, delegation, and care management in a hospital setting. To prepare students for today’s healthcare challenges, the book breaks down the staff nurse’s role in human resource management, relationship management, diversity, and shared decision making. Reflecting the 2019 Magnet Standards, this text prepares students for success on the Next Generation NCLEX® exam and helps them meet the job requirements of magnet-status hospitals.
- NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) examination-style case studies at the end of each section familiarizes students to the way that content will be tested in the new NGN exam.
- NEW! Leadership roles/competencies and evidence-based practice examples are included from across the care continuum: ambulatory care, long-term care, and community-based care.
- NEW! Content on management in a culturally diverse healthcare environment relates to both hospital staff and patients.
- NEW! Additional Evidence-Based Practice boxes relate to "innovation" topics in leadership and management.
- NEW! Updated organization reflects the Magnet Recognition (2019) and Pathways to Excellence (2016) standards, allowing students to learn the skills and competencies that magnet status hospitals require when hiring nurses.
- Comprehensive coverage addresses the roles and responsibilities of the manager of patient care position, core competencies required of nurses caring for patients, and a wide range of management concepts that new nurses need to know before they enter practice.
- Strong focus on "management of care" includes areas in which students will be tested on the NCLEX-RN® examination, such as prioritization, delegation, and assignment.
- Clinical Corner and Evidence-Based Practice boxes include real-world tips and advice on patient or client management, as well as current research and best practices.
- NCLEX® Examination Questions at the end of each chapter help students review important content.
- Learning features in each chapter include objectives, key terms, critical thinking case scenarios, and application exercises.
- Expert author team represents years of teaching experience in nursing leadership and management.
- NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) examination-style case studies at the end of each section familiarize you to the way that content will be tested in the new NGN exam.
- NEW! Leadership roles/competencies and evidence-based practice examples are included from across the care continuum: ambulatory care, long-term care, and community-based care.
- NEW! Content on management in a culturally diverse healthcare environment relates to both hospital staff and patients.
- NEW! Additional Evidence-Based Practice boxes relate to "innovation" topics in leadership and management.
- NEW! Updated organization reflects the Magnet Recognition (2019) and Pathways to Excellence (2016) standards, allowing you to learn the skills and competencies that magnet status hospitals require when hiring nurses.
SECTION 1 Transformational Leadership
1 Leadership and Management
2 Organizational Structure of Health Care
3 Strategic Management and Planning
4 Financial Management in Health Care
5 Health Care Regulatory and Certifying Agencies
NGN-NCLEX® Section 1 Review
SECTION 2 Structural Empowerment
6 Organizational Decision Making and Shared Governance
7 Professional Decision Making and Advocacy
8 Communication in the Work Environment
9 Personnel Policies and Programs in the Workplace
SECTION 3 Exemplary Professional Practice
10 Professional Development
11 Professional Practice and Care Delivery Models and Emerging Practice Models
12 Staffing and Scheduling
13 Delegation of Nursing Tasks
14 Providing Competent Staff
15 Group Management for Effective Outcomes
16 Ethical and Legal Issues in Patient Care
SECTION 4 New Knowledge, Innovations and Improvements
17 Improving Organizational Performance
18 Evidence-Based Practice
19 Monitoring Outcomes and the Use of Data for Improvement
NGN-NCLEX® Section 4 Review
SECTION 5 Congratulations
20 New Graduates: The Immediate Future:Job Interviewing, NCLEX®, and Continuing Education
NGN-NCLEX® Section 5 Review