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cover image - Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323697873
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 06-28-2023
Page Count: 912
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $229.99

Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, 3rd Edition

by Juan A. Asensio, MD, FACS, FCCM, FRCS, KM and Wayne J. Meredith


cover image - Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323697873
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 06-28-2023
Page Count: 912
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $229.99
    • Covers the entire spectrum of Trauma Surgery and Surgical Critical Care—from initial evaluation, military and civilian field and trauma center evaluation and resuscitation, to diagnosis, operative, and postoperative critical care and outcomes—in nearly 100 print and 39 online-exclusive chapters, all newly streamlined to emphasize frontline procedural treatment.

    • Features extensive new data and updates to Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular, and Military Surgery chapters, plus numerous new intraoperative photographs and high-quality line drawings that highlight the most important aspects of urgent surgical care.

    • Contains 14 new chapters, including Innovations in Trauma Surgery Simulation; Air Evacuation and Critical Care in Military Casualties; REBOA: Indications and Controversies; Penetrating Extracranial Vertebral Artery; Penetrating Arterio-Venous Fistulas; The Genomics of Profound Shock and Trauma; ECMO; and newer strategies, such as nerve blocks for pain management to combat the opioid epidemic.

    • Incorporates a wealth of military knowledge from both recent and past military conflicts, as well as from asymmetric warfare; many of the authors and co-authors have extensive past and present military experience.

    • Uses a consistent, easy-to-follow chapter format throughout, for quick and easy reference and review.

    • Reviews the essential principles of diagnosis and treatment, as well as the specifics of surgical therapy, making it useful for surgeons across all specialties.

    • Integrates evidence-based practice guidelines into the text whenever possible, as well as comprehensive utilization of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma – Organ Injury Scales (AAST-OIS).

    • Contains such a wealth of operative photographs and line drawings, both in the printed version and many more in the electronic version, that it could be considered an Atlas of Trauma Surgery.

    • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.

  • Part 1 Trauma Systems
    1 Development of Trauma Systems
    2 Trauma Center Organization and Verification for Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care
    3 Injury Severity Scoring: Its Definition and Practical Application
    4 Role of Alcohol and Other Drugs in Trauma
    5 Injury Prevention: An Evidence-Based Public Health Approach
    6 Lessons Learned in Military Trauma in Colombia
    7 Trauma Scoring
    8 Simulation-Based Training for Combat Surgery
    Part 2 Prehospital Trauma Care
    9 Prehospital Trauma Care: Influence of Emergency Medical Services on Trauma Center Patient Outcomes
    10 Field Triage in the Military Arena
    11 Trauma Systems on the Battlefield
    12 Field Triage in the Civilian Arena
    13 En Route Care
    14 Prehospital Airway Management: Intubation, Devices, and Controversies
    15 Prehospital Fluid Resuscitation: What Type, How Much, and Controversies
    16 Mass Casualty Events: The Role of Hospitals and Trauma Systems
    17 Injuries From Explosives
    18 Prehospital Care of Biologic Agent–Induced Injuries
    19 Wound Ballistics: What Every Trauma Surgeon Should Know
    20 Common Prehospital Complications and Pitfalls in the Trauma Patient
    Part 3 Initial Assessment and Resuscitation
    21 Airway Management: What Every Trauma Surgeon Should Know, From Intubation to Cricothyroidotomy
    22 Resuscitation Fluids
    23 REBOA: Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta
    24 Resuscitative Thoracotomy
    25 Focused Assessment with Sonography for the Trauma Patient Role of Radiology in Initial Trauma Evaluation
    26 Interventional Radiology: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Roles
    27 Interventional Radiology Management During Intermediate and Long-Term Phases of Trauma Care
    28 Endpoints of Resuscitation 148
    Part 4 Head and Central Nervous System Injuries
    29 Traumatic Brain Injury: Pathophysiology, Clinical Diagnosis, and Prehospital and Emergency Center Care
    30 Nonoperative Care, and Complications
    31 Spinal Cord Injury, Blunt and Penetrating, Neurogenic and Spinal Shock
    Part 5 Maxillofacial and Ocular Injuries
    32 Maxillofacial Trauma
    33 Trauma to the Eye and Orbit
    Part 6 Neck Injuries
    34 Penetrating Neck Injuries
    35 Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries
    36 Tracheal, Laryngeal, and Oropharyngeal Injuries
    Part 7 Thoracic Injuries
    37 Pertinent Surgical Anatomy of the Thorax and Mediastinum
    38 Thoracic Wall Injuries: Ribs, Sternal and Scapular Fractures, and Hemothoraces and Pneumothoraces
    39 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Roles of Bronchoscopy and Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy in the Management of Thoracic Trauma
    40 Pulmonary Contusion and Flail Chest
    41 Operative Treatment of Chest Wall Injury
    42 Tracheal and Tracheobronchial Tree Injuries
    43 Operative Management of Pulmonary Injuries: Lung-Sparing and Formal Resections
    44 Complications of Pulmonary and Pleural Injury
    45 Cardiac Injuries
    46 Thoracic Vascular Injury
    47 Thoracic Aortic Injury
    48 Esophageal Injuries: Principles of Management
    Part 8 Abdominal Injuries
    49 Diaphragmatic Injury
    50 Surgical Anatomy of the Abdomen and Retroperitoneum
    51 Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage and Laparoscopy in the Evaluation of Abdominal Trauma
    52 Nonoperative Management of Blunt and Penetrating Abdominal Injuries
    53 Gastric Injuries
    54 Small Bowel Injury
    55 Duodenal Injuries
    56 Pancreatic Injuries and Pancreaticoduodenectomy
    57 Liver Injury
    58 Splenic Injuries
    59 Abdominal Vascular Injury
    60 Colon and Rectal Injuries
    61 Genitourinary Tract Injuries
    62 Gynecologic Injuries: Trauma to Uterus, Ovaries, and Female Genitalia
    Part 9 Special Issues in Major Torso Trauma
    63 Multidisciplinary Management of Pelvic Fractures: Operative and Nonoperative Management
    64 Current Concepts in the Diagnosis and Management of Hemorrhagic Shock
    65 Exsanguination: Reliable Models to Indicate Damage Control
    66 Damage Control Resuscitation: An Evidence-Based Report
    67 Newer Strategies from the Use of Blood and Blood Products: Lessons Learned from Recent Wars
    68 Surgical Techniques for Damage Control Operations for Abdominal, Thoracic, Pelvic, and Extremity Trauma
    69 Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, Damage Control, and the Open Abdomen
    70 Torso Trauma on the Modern Battlefield
    Part 10 Peripheral Vascular Injury
    71 Vascular Anatomy of the Extremities
    72 Diagnosis of Vascular Trauma
    73 Penetrating Carotid Artery Injuries
    74 Penetrating Extracranial Vertebral Artery Injuries
    75 Subclavian Vessel Injuries: Difficult Anatomy and Difficult Territory
    76 Operative Exposure and Management of Axillary Vessel Injuries
    77 Brachial Vessel Injuries: High Morbidity and Low Mortality Injuries
    78 Iliac Vessel Injuries: Difficult Injuries and Difficult Management Problems
    79 Femoral Vessel Injuries: High Mortality and Low Morbidity Injuries
    80 Popliteal Vessel Injuries: Complex Anatomy and High Amputation Rates
    81 Shank Vessel Injuries: The Forgotten Vascular Injuries
    82 Penetrating Arteriovenous Fistulas: Uncommon and Challenging Entities
    83 Temporary Vascular Shunts
    Part 11 Musculoskeletal and Peripheral Central Nervous System Injuries
    84 Upper Extremity Fractures: Orthopedic Management
    85 Lower Extremity and Degloving Injury
    86 Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine Fractures
    87 Pelvic Fractures
    88 Wrist and Hand Fractures: Orthopaedic Management Scapulothoracic Dissociation and Degloving Injuries of the Extremities
    89 Extremity Replantation: Indications and Timing
    Part 12 Special Issues and Situations in Trauma Management
    90 Flap Reconstruction in the Management of Complex Musculoskeletal Injuries
    91 What Every Surgeon Should Know About the Traumatic Airway
    92 Pediatric Trauma
    93 Trauma in Pregnancy
    94 Trauma in Our “Elders”
    95 Burns
    96 Soft Tissue Infections
    97 Common Errors in Trauma Care
    98 Combat Trauma Care: Lessons Learned From Recent Combat Operations
    99 Danger Associated Molecular Patterns, Complements, and Other Novel Biomarkers in Trauma Patient Management
    100 Microbiome and Trauma
    101 Genomics of Profound Shock and Trauma
    Part 13 Critical Care I: Management of Organ Failures and Techniques for Support
    102 Cardiac Hemodynamics: Pulmonary Artery Catheter and the Meaning of Its Readings
  • Juan A. Asensio, MD, FACS, FCCM, FRCS, KM, Professor of Surgery, Chief, Division of Trauma Surgery and Surgical Critical Care, Director, Trauma Center and Trauma Program, Department of Surgery, Creighton University School of Medicine, Creighton University Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska and Wayne J. Meredith