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cover image - Pediatric Imaging for the Emergency Provider,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323708494
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 05-19-2021
Page Count: 400
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $105.99

Pediatric Imaging for the Emergency Provider, 1st Edition

by Robert Vezzetti, Jestin Carlson and Debra Pennington, MD


cover image - Pediatric Imaging for the Emergency Provider,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323708494
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 05-19-2021
Page Count: 400
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $105.99
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    • Presents more than 80 common and important rare cases, supported with 450+ images across relevant modalities including ultrasound, radiography, CT, and MRI.
    • Identifies key radiographic findings for various pediatric conditions including congenital heart lesions, surgical entities, infectious disease processes, and traumatic injuries.
    • Accompanies images with clear, concise text that makes it easy to grasp the most clinically significant points of each case.
    • Provides expert guidance on best practices in important areas of pediatric imaging such as sedation, ionizing radiation exposure reduction, and imaging modality selection.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • Introduction

    1. Imaging Modalities in the Pediatric Patient: How to Choose

    2. ALARA principles

    3. Sedation/Anxiolysis for Pediatric Imaging

    Section 1: Neonatal

    4. My What a Big Thymus You Have! Neonate/Infant Mediastinal Masses

    5. A Wheezin' We Will Go: Bronchiolitis/Viral Pathology

    6. Twisting the Night Away: Malrotation

    7. Double Bubble…Double Trouble! Duodenal Obstruction

    8. Breakin’ My Heart: Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease

    9. More Than Constipation: Failure to Pass Meconium

    10. Rumbly in the Tumbly: Pneumatosis Intestinalis and Necrotizing Enterocolitis

    Section 2: Cardiac

    11. Matters of the Heart: Pericarditis

    12. A Bit of a Mix-up: Right Sided Aortic Arch

    13. You're Surrounded: Vascular Rings

    Section 3: Gastroenterology

    14. Twisting Tubes: Pediatric Gastrostomy Tube/Buttons

    15. Not Movin': Pediatric Bowel Obstruction

    16. Screaming Fits: Intussusception

    17. My Tummy! Appendicitis

    18. SMA Syndrome: It’s Not In to Be Thin

    19. You Ate What? Swallowed Foreign Bodies

    20. Right Out of ‘The Exorcist’: Pyloric Stenosis

    Section 4: Genitourinary

    21. Twists and Turns: Testicular Torsion

    22. That Looks Painful: Hydrocele

    23. Unusually Painful: Ovarian torsion

    24. All Pain and No Gain: Renal Stones

    25. Belly Getting Bigger? Wilms Tumor

    26. TOA (Tubo-ovarian Abscess): Three Letters You Don’t Want to Hear

    Section 5: Neurologic

    27. Don’t Lose Your Head: Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) Shunt Issues

    28. More than a Migraine: Intracranial Mass - Medulloblastoma

    29. Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: DIPG

    30. Not Actin’ Right: Lacunar Infarct and Pediatric Stroke

    31. Hard to Wake Up: Cerebritis

    32. Nothing Cute About It: Acute Flaccid Myelitis

    33. Headache? Pediatric Arteriovenous Malformation

    34. Can you see it? Orbital Cellulitis

    35. Something in Your Eye: Periorbital Cellulitis

    36. Somethin’ Growin’: Pediatric Arachnoid Cysts

    Section 6: Pulmonary

    37. Rattlin’ in the Chest: Community Acquired Pneumonia in Children

    38. Is That Pneumonia? Atelectasis

    39. Will the Cough Ever Stop? Atypical Pneumonia

    40. Of Course You Have Asthma: Persistent Wheezing

    Section 7: Trauma

    41. Buckle Up: Abdominal Trauma

    42. Case: Where's the Air? Pneumothorax

    43. Can’t Pee: Pediatric Bladder Trauma

    44. Heads Up!: Head Trauma

    45. Cruisn' For a Bruisin': Pulmonary contusion

    46. The Heart of the Matter: Cardiac Trauma

    47. Chest Pains: Pediatric Chest Trauma Imaging

    48. Check That Neck: Cervical Spine Imaging

    49. My Achin’ Back: Vertebral Compression Fractures

    50. How’d That Happen? Non-accidental Trauma (NAT)

    Section 8: Musculoskeletal

    51. Growing Pains: Salter-Harris Classification of Physeal Injuries

    52. My Fracture Is Not Humerus: Supracondylar fractures

    53. Elbow Grease: Lateral and Medial Condyle Fractures of the Humerus

    54. Rough Trip: Scapula Fracture

    55. Humeral Shaft Fractures: Nothing Funny About That!

    56. In Pieces: Clavicle Fractures

    57. Let's Play: Forearm fractures

    58. Italian Twins: Monteggia and Galleazzi Fractures

    59. Bones Out of Place? Wrist fractures

    60. Snuffbox? Scaphoid fractures

    61. Punchin’ Out: Fifth Metacarpal (Boxer’s) Fracture

    62. Pfunny Pfingers: Phalanx fractures (dislocations, etc)

    63. Can't Move Your Hips: Pelvic fractures

    64. All Fun and Games: Femoral fractures

    65. Knee Pain: It’s Not Always the Knee – Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

    66. Weak in the Knees: Patellar dislocation

    67. It’s the Way You (Don’t) Walk: Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula

    68. Tough Day: Triplane Fracture

    69. My Achin' Feet: Talus fracture

    70. My Achn’ Back! Spondylolysis/Spondylolisthesis

    71. Achy Muscles: Pyomyositis/Myositis

    72. 'Lil Stuffy Noses: Sinusitis

    73. Who's Brodie? Brodie's abscess

    74. I Feel It In My Bones: Osteomyelitis

    75. More Than an Achy Back: Spinal Epidural Abscess

    76. It's Tough Being a Kid: Toddler's fracture

    77. Hurtn' To Stand: Discitis

    78. My Knee Won't Stop Swelling! Osteosarcoma

    79. Not THOSE Ewings: Ewing sarcoma

    80. What Is This? Bone cyst

    Section 9: ENT

    81. Who Let the Dogs Out? Croup

    82. All That Drools: Retropharyngeal and Peritonsillar Abscess

    83. Frog In Your Throat: Supraglottic Infections and Bacterial Tracheitis

  • Robert Vezzetti, Jestin Carlson and Debra Pennington, MD
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