cover image - Clinical Microbiology Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323709255
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 04-24-2019
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $64.95

Clinical Microbiology Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition

by Nader Rifai, PhD

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Clinical Microbiology Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323709255
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 04-24-2019
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $64.95
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  • 1. Mass Spectrometry Applications in Infectious Disease and Pathogens Identification
    2. Molecular Microbiology
    3. Bacteriology
    4. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
    5. Mycobacteriology
    6. Mycology
    7. Parasitology
    8. Virology
    9. Atlas of Parasitology: The Bobbi Pritt Collection
    10. Tietz Teasers in Parasitology: The Bobbi Pritt Collection
  • Nader Rifai, PhD, Professor Department of Pathology Harvard Medical School; The Louis Joseph Gay-Lussac Chair in Laboratory Medicine Boston Children's Hospital; Director of Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Medicine Boston Children's Hospital Boston, Massachusetts
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