cover image - Sorrentino's Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 5th Edition
ISBN: 9780323711661
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 05-03-2021
Page Count: 1216
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $67.99

Sorrentino's Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 5th Edition

by Mary J. Wilk, RN, GNC(C), BA, BScN, MN

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Sorrentino's Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 5th Edition
ISBN: 9780323711661
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 05-03-2021
Page Count: 1216
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $67.99
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Here’s the foundation your students need to prepare for roles in personal care and professional support! Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker, 5th Edition helps students build the skills needed to succeed as PSWs (personal support workers). Illustrated, step-by-step guidelines to 93 procedures show how to perform this role safely and effectively. New to this edition are more case studies plus coverage of the latest issues relating to supportive care in long-term care facilities, hospitals, and home care. Emphasizing the role of the PSW in the Canadian health care system, this text is known for its easy-to-understand approach, superb photographs, and comprehensive coverage. It’s no wonder that Sorrentino’s is the #1 book used by support worker programs across Canada.

    • NEW! Thoroughly updated content addresses top-of-mind issues such as the use and misuse of social media, bullying and abuse, the concept of professionalism, working on interprofessional teams in health care settings, shiftwork, and more.
    • NEW! Enhanced illustrations reflect Canada’s diversity and depict new content and important procedures.
    • NEW! Updated chapter organization groups together body systems and anatomy chapters for easier accessibility.
    • NEW! Additional coverage of the Personal Support Workers’ scope of practice includes topics such as what to do when asked to work outside of the scope of practice, consequences of not following the scope of practice, and more.
    • NEW! More case studies and procedures are added to address the PSW’s expanding scope of practice.
    • NEW! Greater coverage of the roles played by other health team professionals describes how this impacts Personal Support Workers working on these teams, including topics such as delegation, professional conduct, and more.
    • Comprehensive coverage guides students through all of the information and skills needed by today’s support worker.
    • Student-friendly writing style makes it easy for students to understand the material.
    • Chapter review questions test student comprehension of the learning objectives listed at the beginning of each chapter.
    • DIPPS icons highlight the principles of support work: respecting and promoting the client’s Dignity, Independence, Individualized Care, Preferences, Privacy, and Safety.
    • Focus on Canada’s multicultural population includes current health care statistics and demographics, including content on Canada’s Indigenous population.
    • Procedure boxes include steps and rationales to help students learn how and why a procedure is performed.
    • Providing Compassionate Care boxes highlight the caring aspect of the support worker role.
    • Case Study boxes apply concepts discussed in the text to real-life examples of support workers and clients.
    • Focus on Children and Focus on Older Adults boxes provide age-specific information about the needs, considerations, and special circumstances of children and older adults.
    • Focus on Long-Term Care boxes highlight information vital to providing competent care in the long-term care setting.
    • Focus on Home Care boxes highlight information necessary for safe functioning in the home setting.
    • Supporting boxes present client scenarios and discuss how PSWs make decisions and solve problems.
    • Think About Safety boxes provide clear, concise, easy-to-follow advice on how to provide safe care to clients of all ages.
    • Respecting Diversity boxes cover the influence of culture on health and illness practices and the importance of cultural sensitivity in support work.
    • Critical Thinking in Practice sections at the end of each chapter present a realistic, practice-based challenge.
    • Working in Acute Care chapter discusses this ever-expanding role of the support worker and describes how to perform delegated acts, including advanced tasks and problem-solving, the importance of consulting the client’s care plan, and working closely with one’s supervisor for guidance.
    • Body Structure and Function and Common Diseases and Conditions chapters provide a solid foundation in anatomy and physiology, physical changes related to aging, and disease processes.
    • Mental Health Disorders and Disorientation, Delirium, and Dementia chapters reflect the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition).
    • NEW! Updated instructor resources on the Evolve website include a test bank with 1,220 questions along with 470 student review questions.
    • NEW! Thoroughly updated content addresses top-of-mind issues such as the use and misuse of social media, bullying and abuse, the concept of professionalism, working on interprofessional teams in health care settings, shiftwork, and more.
    • NEW! Enhanced illustrations reflect Canada’s diversity and depict new content and important procedures.
    • NEW! Updated chapter organization groups together body systems and anatomy chapters for easier accessibility.
    • NEW! Additional coverage of the Personal Support Workers’ scope of practice includes topics such as what to do when asked to work outside of your scope of practice, consequences of not following the scope of practice, and more.
    • NEW! More case studies and procedures are added to address the PSW’s expanding scope of practice.
    • NEW! Greater coverage of the roles played by other health team professionals describes how this impacts PSWs working on these teams, including topics such as delegation, professional conduct, and more.
  • 1. The Role and Responsibilities of the Support Worker
    2. The Canadian Health Care System
    3. Workplace Settings
    4. Ethics
    5. Legislation: The Client’s Rights and Your Rights
    6. Health, Wellness, Illness, and Disability
    7. Caring About Culture and Diversity
    8. Managing Stress
    9. Interpersonal Communication
    10. Working With Others: Teamwork, Supervision, and Delegation
    11. Working With Clients and Their Families
    12. Abuse, Bullying, and Harassment Awareness
    13. Starting Your Career
    14. Body Mechanics
    15. Exercise and Activity
    16. Rehabilitation and Restorative Care
    17. Personal Hygiene
    18. Grooming and Dressing
    19. Preventing Infection
    20. Safety
    21. Beds and Bed Making
    22. Skin Care and Prevention of Wounds
    23. Promoting Client Comfort, Pain Management, and Sleep
    24. Measuring Height, Weight, and Vital Signs
    25. Medical Terminology
    26. Planning, Reporting, and Recording Client Care
    27. Nutrition and Fluids
    28. Enteral Nutrition and Intravenous Therapy
    29. Urinary Elimination
    30. Bowel Elimination
    31. Growth and Development
    32. Body Structure and Function
    33. Common Diseases and Disorders
    34. Hearing and Vision Disorders
    35. Speech and Language Disorders
    36. Developmental Disorders and Disabilities
    37. Mental Health Disorders
    38. Disorientation, Delirium, and Dementia
    39. Promoting Oxygenation
    40. Heat and Cold Applications
    41. Caring for Mothers and Infants
    42. Caring for the Young
    43. Caring for Older Adults
    44. Home Management
    45. Medication Management
    46. Working in Acute Care
    47. End-of-Life Care
  • Mary J. Wilk, RN, GNC(C), BA, BScN, MN, Retried Professor and Coordinator, PSW Program, Fanshawe College
Most review copies are eBooks – how fast!
A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.