Evolve Resources for Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck, 6th Edition

Educator Resources on Evolve
- TEACH instructor’s resources with lesson plans, PowerPoint® slides, student handouts, and answer keys
- Test bank of 450-500 questions with answers, rationales for correct and incorrect responses, page-number references, cognitive leveling based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, and mapping to chapter objectives and to the CDA and NBDHE test blueprints
- Image collection
- Student pretests including 10 questions per chapter for baseline assessment
- Short-answer questions for assessment or in-class discussion purposes
- Supplemental Considerations with additional material on topics of interest
Student Resources on Evolve
- Chapter practice quizzes including 175 questions with answers, rationales, and page-number references for self-assessment
- Interactive exercise on skull bone identification
- Body Spectrum electronic anatomy coloring book
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