Pickwell's Binocular Vision Anomalies, 6th Edition
Covers routine examinations and testing protocols, including CISS questionnaire, cover test, foveal suppression, fixation disparity, four prism diopter base out test, Lindblom’s method, and double Maddox rod test.
Includes numerous video clips of key testing procedures, including new clips on Mallett fixation disparity test and fusional reserve testing, as well as an interactive video quiz to help you test your knowledge.
Features sweeping content updates such as the latest information on 3-D displays, therapeutic uses of computer games and virtual reality for vision therapy, computerized testing methodologies, binocular and accommodative mechanisms associated with myopia, updated prescribing criteria, therapeutic use of contact lenses, detection of pathology associated with strabismus, drugs causing diplopia, and the evidence-based treatment of convergence insufficiency syndrome and amblyopia.
Contains helpful study features throughout, including Clinical Key Points boxes, step-by-step test routines, typical features of extraocular muscle palsies and syndromes, and Case Study boxes that cover important clinical and legal scenarios, and new boxes that summarize testing procedures for each of the main binocular vision tests.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Part 1: Investigation
1. Nature of Binocular Vision Anomalies
2. Detecting Binocular Vision Anomalies in Primary Eye Care Practice
3. Examination of Young Children
Part 2: Heterophoria
4. Evaluation of Heterophoria
5. Binocular Instability
6. Management of Heterophoria: Basic Principles
7. Esophoric Conditions
8. Exophoric Conditions
9. Hyperphoria and Cyclophora
10. Eye Exercises for Heterophoria
11. Anisometropia and Aniseikonia
Part 3: Strabismus
12. Overview of Sensory Changes in Strabismus
13. Ambloypia and Eccentric Fixation
14. Techniques in the Investigation and Management of Comitant Strabismus
15. Overview of the Management of Strabismus
16. Microtropia
Part 4: Incomitant Deviations
17. Incomitant Deviations
18. Nystagmus
19. Appendices