Evolve Resources for Pharmacology, 10th Edition
by Linda E. McCuistion, PhD, MSN, RN, Kathleen Vuljoin DiMaggio, MSN, RN, Mary B. Winton, PhD, MSN, RN and Jennifer J. Yeager, PhD, MSN, RN
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Educator Resources on Evolve
- 1,000-question test bank
- Correct answers
- Rationales
- Cognitive levels
- Nursing process step
- NCLEX® Client Needs
- Page references
- 1,000 PowerPoint slides
- Audience response system questions
- Unfolding case studies
- TEACH for Nurses lesson plans
- Image collection
Student Resources on Evolve
- 600 NCLEX®-format review questions
- Key points
- Answer key for textbook case studies
- Content updates
- Animations
- Unfolding case studies
Newer Edition Available
11th Edition
ISBN: 9780323793193
Linda E. McCuistion, PhD, MSN, RN, Professor (Ret.), University of Holy Cross, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Kathleen Vuljoin DiMaggio, MSN, RN, Professor Emerita, University of Holy Cross, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Mary B. Winton, PhD, MSN, RN, Associate Professor, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas, USA and Jennifer J. Yeager, PhD, MSN, RN, Associate Professor, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas, USA
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