cover image - Introduction to Critical Care Nursing Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323759687
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 08-04-2020
Page Count: 664
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $108.99

Introduction to Critical Care Nursing Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 8th Edition

by Mary Lou Sole, PhD, RN, CCNS, CNL, FAAN, FCCM, Deborah Goldenberg Klein, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, CCRN, FAHA, FAAN and Marthe J. Moseley, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, CCNS, VHA-CM

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card

cover image - Introduction to Critical Care Nursing Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323759687
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 08-04-2020
Page Count: 664
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $108.99
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Find clear, concise coverage of the essential concepts, technology, and procedures of critical care nursing! Introduction to Critical Care Nursing, 8th Edition helps nurses provide safe, effective, patient-centered care in a variety of high-acuity, progressive, and critical care settings. Evidence-based coverage includes realistic case studies and incorporates the latest advances in critical care. Disorders are conveniently organized by body system or special situation, and nursing management chapters include quick-reference nursing care plans. Designed for one-semester courses, this easy-to-understand textbook helps students develop the knowledge and clinical reasoning skills needed for success in today's highly complex critical care environments.

    • NEW! Study Break questions in multiple-choice format break up the chapters into easy-to-read content "chunks" and allow students to check their understanding, with answers and rationales in the back of the book.
    • NEW! Transplant Considerations boxes highlight essential information related to patient care in preparation for organ transplantation, managing complications, and preventing rejection; coverage of palliative care supports the text’s strong focus on end-of-life care; and the revised Organ Donation chapter focuses on a practical evaluation of dying patients for organ donation and preservation.
    • UPDATED! Illustrations include photos of state-of-the art equipment, with a total of nearly 300 full-color photographs and drawings that visually clarify key concepts and equipment for better understanding of modern, high-tech critical care settings.
    • NEW! Focus on patient problems (in lieu of NANDA diagnoses) promotes interprofessional collaborative practice by using terms that are easily understood by the various members of the healthcare team.
    • Coverage of infection control addresses the QSEN safety competency and helps provide patient protection.
    • NEW! Enhanced, application-level questions on the companion Evolve website emphasize prompt recognition of changing trends in patient parameters.
    • Critical Reasoning Activities are interspersed throughout the text, promoting development of clinical nursing judgment consistent with the Next-Generation NCLEX-RN® Exam.
    • UPDATED! Lifespan Considerations boxes now include information on older adults, addressing the "graying of our population," and pregnant women.
    • UPDATED! Genetics boxes feature a new Genetic Concepts box.
    • Emphasis on QSEN competencies enables nurses to gain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to provide safe, high-quality health care in a variety of high acuity, progressive, and critical care settings.
    • Evidence-Based Practice boxes illustrate how research evidence is used to address problems in patient care and includes nursing implications plus AACN’s new system for Levels of Evidence: A, B, C, D, E, and M.
    • Universal Collaborative Plan of Care for the Critically Ill Patient addresses key aspects of collaborative/interprofessional care that apply to virtually all critically ill patients, and individual Plans of Care prepare student nurses for clinical practice by describing patient problems, patient outcomes, and nursing assessments and interventions with rationales.
    • Case studies challenge students to apply concepts to the real world, testing their clinical nursing judgment by asking questions about patient-specific cases with lab results.
    • Clinical Alerts highlight potential problems and concerns to improve patient safety and clinical care.
    • Laboratory Alerts emphasize the importance of laboratory test results to critical care nursing.
    • Medication tables show the actions/usages, indications, dosages/routes, side effects, and nursing implications of medications commonly used in critical care settings.
    • Coverage of cardiac assistive devices includes the ECMO device for extracorporeal life support, as well as other small, portable, bedside cardiac-assistive devices, and hemodynamic monitoring content now emphasizes the noninvasive methods of hemodynamic monitoring that are becoming more prominent.
    • NEW! Study Break questions in multiple-choice format break up the chapters into easy-to-read content "chunks" and make it easy to check your understanding, with answers and rationales in the back of the book.
    • NEW! Transplant Considerations boxes highlight essential information related to patient care in preparation for organ transplantation, managing complications, and preventing rejection; coverage of palliative care supports the text’s strong focus on end-of-life care; and the revised Organ Donation chapter focuses on a practical evaluation of dying patients for organ donation and preservation.
    • UPDATED! Illustrations include photos of state-of-the art equipment to familiarize you with the modern, high-tech critical care environment.
    • NEW! Emphasis on patient problems (in lieu of NANDA diagnoses) promotes interprofessional collaborative practice by using terms that are easily understood by various members of the healthcare team.
    • NEW! Enhanced, application-level questions on the companion Evolve website emphasize prompt recognition of changing trends in patient parameters.
    • UPDATED! Lifespan Considerations boxes now include information on older adults, addressing the "graying of our population," and pregnant women.
    • UPDATED! Genetics boxes feature a new Genetic Concepts box.
    1. Overview of Critical Care Nursing
    2. Patient and Family Response to the Critical Care Experience
    3. Ethical and Legal Issues in Critical Care Nursing
    4. Palliative and End-of-Life Care
    5. Organ Donation
    6. Comfort and Sedation
    7. Nutritional Therapy
    8. Dysrhythmia Interpretation and Management
    9. Hemodynamic Monitoring
    10. Ventilatory Assistance
    11. Rapid Response Teams and Code Management
    12. Shock, Sepsis, and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
    13. Cardiovascular Alterations
    14. Nervous System Alterations
    15. Acute Respiratory Failure
    16. Acute Kidney Injury
    17. Hematological and Immune Disorders
    18. Gastrointestinal Alterations
    19. Endocrine Alterations
    20. Trauma and Surgical Management
    21. Burns
  • Mary Lou Sole, PhD, RN, CCNS, CNL, FAAN, FCCM, Dean and Professor, Orlando Health Endowed Chair in Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Central Florida; Nurse Scientist, Orlando Health, Orlando, Florida, Deborah Goldenberg Klein, MSN, RN, APRN-BC, CCRN, FAHA, FAAN, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Coronary ICU, Heart Failure ICU, and Cardiac Short Stay/PACU/CARU, Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Preceptor, Francis Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; Adjunct Faculty, College of Nursing, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio and Marthe J. Moseley, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, CCNS, VHA-CM, Director, Inpatient Evaluation Center (IPEC), Office of Reporting, Analytics, Performance, Improvement and Deployment (RAPID), Veterans Health Administration, Washington, DC
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