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cover image - Pfenninger and Fowler's Procedures for Primary Care,Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card),4th Edition
ISBN: 9780323759724
Copyright: 2020
Publication Date: 08-27-2019
Page Count: 1728
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $159.99

Pfenninger and Fowler's Procedures for Primary Care,Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 4th Edition

by Grant C. Fowler, MD

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card

cover image - Pfenninger and Fowler's Procedures for Primary Care,Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card),4th Edition
ISBN: 9780323759724
Copyright: 2020
Publication Date: 08-27-2019
Page Count: 1728
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $159.99
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This item has low stock levels and may be back-ordered. We'll let you know if it is back-ordered, and you will not be charged until the item ships.
    • Provides comprehensive, real-world coverage of more than 230 procedures that arise in the primary care setting, including many that were previously performed only in subspecialty settings, such as joint injections and cosmetic procedures.
    • Includes new chapters: Esophageal Foreign Body Removal, Manual Testicular Detorsion, Symphysiotomy, Zipper Injury Management, and Blood Products.
    • Presents the "how-to" expertise of six new section editors, for a fresh, contemporary perspective throughout the book.
    • Additional focus on the evidence, with plentiful citations to key references, makes this the most evidence-based edition yet.
    • Features numerous updated illustrations, including many more in full color, and incorporates updated ICD-10-CM codes throughout.
    • Provides access to online resources including patient education handouts and consent forms, lists of device manufacturers, and more.
    • Utilizes a concise outline format, detailed text and illustrations, and abundant boxes and tables for quick access to the information you need.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
  • Pfenninger & Fowler's Procedures for Primary Care, 4e


    Section 1 - Anesthesia

    1. Procedural Sedation and Analgesia

    2. Pediatric Sedation

    3. Nitrous Oxide Sedation

    4. Topical Anesthesia

    5. Local Anesthesia

    6. Local and Topical Anesthetic Complications

    7. Peripheral Nerve Blocks and Field Blocks

    8. Oral/Facial Anesthesia

    9. Bier Block

    10. Epidural Anesthesia and Analgesia

    11. Procedures to Treat Headaches

    Section 2 - Dermatology

    12. Acne Therapy: Surgical Approaches

    13. Approach to Various Skin Lesions

    14. Cryosurgery

    15. Dermoscopy (Epiluminescence Microscopy)

    16. Flaps and Plasties

    17. Fungal Studies and Scabies: Collection Procedures and Tests

    18. Incisions: Planning the Direction of the Cut

    19. Laceration and Incision Repair

    20. Laceration and Incision Repair: Needle Selection

    21. Laceration and Incision Repair: Suture Selection

    22. Laceration and Incision Repair: Suture Tying

    23. Nail Plate and Nail Bed Biopsy

    24. Nail Bed Repair

    25. Radiofrequency Surgery (Modern Electrosurgery)

    26. Skin Biopsy

    27. Skin Grafting

    28. Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids

    29. Unna Paste Boot: Treatment of Venous Stasis Ulcers and Other Disorders

    30. Wart (Verruca) Treatment

    31. Pilonidal Cyst and Abscess: Current Management

    32. Wood's Light Examination

    33. Wound Dressing

    34. Maggot Treatment for Chronic Ulcers

    Section 3 - Aesthetic Medicine

    35. Introduction to Aesthetic Medicine

    36. Cosmeceutical Skin Care

    37. Gingival Hyperpigmentation

    38. Lasers and Pulsed-Light Devices: Hair Removal

    39. Lasers and Pulsed-Light Devices: Photofacial Rejuvenation

    40. Lasers and Pulsed-Light Devices: Acne

    41. Lasers and Pulsed-Light Devices: Skin Tightening

    42. Lasers and Pulsed Light Devices: Spider Veins

    43. Lasers and Pulsed-Light Devices: Tattoo Removal

    44. Lasers and Pulsed-Light Devices: Skin Resurfacing

    45. Nonablative Radiowave Skin Tightening with the Ellman S5 Surgitron (The Pelleve Procedure)

    46. Epilation of Isolated Hairs

    47. Botulinum Toxin

    48. Tissue Fillers

    49. Microdermabrasion and Dermalinfusion

    50. Chemical Peels

    51. Photodynamic Therapy

    52. Cellulite Treatments

    53. Thread Lift Using Barbed Suspension Sutures for Facial Rejuvenation

    54. Radiofrequency-Assisted Upper Blepharoplasty for the Correction of Dermatochalasis

    55. Body Piercing

    Section 4 - Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat

    56. Mucocele Removal

    57. Chalazion and Hordeolum

    58. Tonometry

    59. Audiometry

    60. Tympanometry

    61. Myringotomy and Tympanocentesis

    62. Cerumen Impaction Removal

    63. Earlobe Repair

    64. Nasolaryngoscopy

    65. Indirect Mirro Laryngoscopy

    66. Tonsillectomy and Adnoidectomy

    67. Allergy Testing and Immunotherapy

    68. Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology and Biopsy

    Section 5 - Cardiovascular and Respiratory System Procedures

    69. Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Prevention Bacterial Endocarditis

    70. Office Electrocardiograms

    71. Pre-op Evaluation

    72. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

    73. Ambulatory Electrocardiography: Holter and Event Monitoring

    74. Exercise (Stress) Testing

    75. Echocardiography

    76. Stress Echo

    77. Noninvasive Venous and Arterial Studies of the Lower Extremities

    78. Sclerotherapy

    79. Ambulatory Phlebectomy

    80. Endovenous Vein Closure

    81. Pulmonary Function Testing

    Section 6 - Gastrointestinal System Procedures

    82. Clinical Anorectal Anatomy and Digital Examination

    83. Anoscopy

    84. High Resolution Anoscopy

    85. Anal Fissure/Lateral Sphincterotomy

    86. Perianal Abscess Incision and Drainage

    87. Office Treatment of Hemorrhoids

    88. Removal of Perianal Skin Tags (External Hemorrhoidal Skin Tags)

    89. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

    90. Colonoscopy

    91. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy

    92. PEG Tube Insertion

    93. Capsule Endoscopy

    94. Esophageal Foreign Body Removal

    95. Inguinal Hernia Reduction

    Section 7 - Urinary System Procedures

    96. Bladder Catheterization

    97. Diagnostic Cystourethroscopy

    98. Office Testing and Treatment Options for Interstitial Cystitis

    99. Suprapubic Catheter Insertion and/or Change

    100. Suprapubic Tap or Aspiration

    101. Bedside Urodynamic Studies

    Section 8 - Male Reproductive System

    102. Adult Circumcision

    103. Androscopy

    104. Dorsal Slit for Phimosis

    105. Prostate Massage

    106. Prostate and Seminal Vesicle Ultrasonography

    107. Self-Injection Therapy for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

    108. Vacuum Devices for Erectile Dysfunction

    109. Implantable Hormone Pellets for Testosterone Deficiency in Adult Men

    110. Sperm Banking

    111. Vasectomy

    112. Manual Testicular Detorsion

    Section 9 - Gynecology and Female Reproductive System

    113. Suction Aspiration for Elective and Spontaneous First Trimester Abortion

    114. Medical Abortion

    115. Emergency Contraception

    116. Barrier Contraceptives: Cervical Caps, Condoms, and Diaphragms

    117. Fertility Awareness-based Methods of Contraception (Natural Family Planning)

    118. Bartholin's Cyst/Abscess: Word Catheter Insertion, Marsupialization

    119. Breast Biopsy

    120. Pap Smear and Related Techniques for Cervical Cancer Screening

    121. Human Papillomavirus DNA Sampling

    122. Wet Smear and KOH Preparation

    123. Cervical Polyps

    124. Colposcopic Examination

    125. Cryotherapy of the Cervix

    126. Cervical Stenosis and Cervical Dilation

    127. Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) for Treating Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    128. Cervical Conization

    129. Endometrial Biopsy

    130. Hysteroscopy

    131. Permanent Female Steril

  • Grant C. Fowler, MD, Chair, Family and Community Medicine, JPS Health Network
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