cover image - Evolve Resources for Anesthesia and Analgesia for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses, 6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323762458
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 11-27-2023
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $0.00

Evolve Resources for Anesthesia and Analgesia for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses, 6th Edition

by John Thomas, DVM and Phillip Lerche, BVSc, PhD, Dipl ACVA


cover image - Evolve Resources for Anesthesia and Analgesia for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses, 6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323762458
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 11-27-2023
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $0.00
For Qualified Instructors.
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This is a Faculty Product!
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Educator Resources on Evolve

  • NEW! TEACH Instructor’s Resource including lesson plans, PowerPoint® slides, student handouts, and answer keys
  • Image collection
  • Test bank with 1,000 questions, including rationales for correct and incorrect answers
  • 1. Introduction to Anesthesia
    2. Patient Preparation
    3. Anesthetic Agents and Adjuncts
    4. Anesthetic Equipment
    5. Workplace Safety
    6. Anesthetic Monitoring
    7. Special Techniques
    8. Analgesia
    9. Canine and Feline Anesthesia
    10. Equine Anesthesia
    11. Anesthesia of Ruminants, Camelids, and Swine
    12. Rodent and Rabbit Anesthesia
    13. Anesthetic Problems and Emergencies
    Appendix A: Procedure for Operation of a Full Rebreathing System
    Appendix B: American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia Monitoring Guidelines Update, 2009
    Appendix C: Equipment and Drugs for Use in an Emergency Crash Cart
    Appendix D: Standard Volumes, Weights, Measures, and Equivalents
    Answer Key
  • John Thomas, DVM, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Technology, Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland, OH and Phillip Lerche, BVSc, PhD, Dipl ACVA, Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
  • This product is available in the following formats:
    Blackboard Learn
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    Canvas by Instructure
    Evolve Global Course
    Evolve (Elsevier)
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For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.