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cover image - Arnold and Boggs's Interpersonal Relationships Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card),1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323763691
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 12-08-2021
Page Count: 592
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $63.99

Arnold and Boggs's Interpersonal Relationships Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 1st Edition

by Claire Mallette, RN, BScN, MScN, PhD, Olive Yonge, RN, BScN, MEd, PhD, R Psych, Elizabeth C. Arnold, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC and Kathleen Underman Boggs, PhD, FNP-CS

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card

cover image - Arnold and Boggs's Interpersonal Relationships Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card),1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323763691
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 12-08-2021
Page Count: 592
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $63.99
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This item has low stock levels and may be back-ordered. We'll let you know if it is back-ordered, and you will not be charged until the item ships.

Now more than ever, effective communication skills are key for successful patient care and positive outcomes. Arnold and Boggs’s Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Canadian Nurses helps students develop essential skills for communicating effectively with patients, families, and colleagues in order to achieve treatment goals in health care. Using clear, practical guidelines, it shows how to enhance the nurse-patient relationship through proven communication strategies, as well as principles drawn from nursing, psychology, and related theoretical frameworks. With a uniquely Canadian approach, and a variety of case studies, interactive exercises, and evidence-informed practice studies, this text ensures students learn how to apply theory to real-life practice.

    • Engaging, comprehensive coverage presents the most current issues and communication concepts.
    • Fully adapted content reflects Canada’s unique health care context and cultural landscape.
    • Canadian statistics, research, references and resources, guidelines, assessment and screening tools, and more are incorporated throughout the text.
    • Canadian cultural and demographic considerations address issues related to race/ethnicity, Indigenous peoples, gender identity, LGBTQ2 community, family composition, recent immigrants, refugees, and vulnerable persons.
    • Engaging with Humility: Authentic Interpersonal Communication in Partnership with Indigenous Peoples chapter increases awareness and knowledge of the impact of colonization on Indigenous peoples, in order to understand and develop practices which respectfully engage in cultural safety and humility through holistic communication with Indigenous peoples and communities.
    • Rich art programme reflects Canada’s cultural diversity in the health care setting.
    • Emphasis on collaborative communication includes related evidence-informed case studies and analysis.
    • Socio-cultural communication competencies coverage discusses how to reduce health disparities and increase health literacy.
    • Questions for Review and Discussion help students practise their reflective analysis skills and provide opportunities for thoughtful review of chapter content.
    • Content on social media and transitional care delivery reflects current practice standards.
    • Simulation exercises enable students to practise, observe, and critically evaluate their professional communication skills in a safe learning environment.
    • Case examples help students learn to develop empathy for patients’ perspectives and needs.
    • Discussion of spirituality and end-of-life needs focuses on trust, empathy, and the nurse-patient relationship — all central components of holistic nursing.
    • Nursing, behavioural, developmental, family, and communication theories provide an essential foundation and a theoretical perspective for effective communication.
    • Ethical Dilemma boxes with reflection questions at the end of each chapter help students absorb and retain key ethical content throughout the text.
    • Evidence-Informed Nursing Practice boxes in each chapter offer a summary of research findings related to the chapter subject and are intended to strengthen awareness of the link between research and practice.
    • Separate chapters on communication across the lifespan highlight crucial communication tools that are the first step in developing a culture of safety in contemporary health care delivery.
  • Part I: Theoretical Foundations and Contemporary Dynamics in Person-Centred Relationships and Communication
    1. Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Dynamics
    Basic Concepts
    Science and Art of Nursing
    Contemporary Nursing
    Professional Nursing: A Practice Discipline
    Ways (Patterns) of Knowing in Nursing
    Caring as a Core Value of Professional Nursing
    Functions of Communication in Health Care Systems
    Systems Theory Foundations
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    2. Clarity and Safety in Communication
    Basic Concepts
    General Safety Communication Guidelines for Organizations
    Barriers to Safe, Effective Communication in the Health Care System
    Innovations That Foster Safety
    Medication Process
    Tools for Safer Care
    Team Training Models
    Patient Safety Outcomes of Team Training Programs
    Other Specific Nursing Efforts
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    3. Professional Guides for Nursing Communication
    Basic Concepts
    Professional Nursing Organizations Issuing Health Care Communication Guidelines
    Codes Containing Ethical Standards
    Legal Standards
    Evidence-Informed Practice (EIP)
    Issues in Application of Ethical and Legal Guidelines
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    4. Clinical Judgement: Critical Thinking and Ethical Decision Making
    Basic Concepts
    Ethical Reasoning
    Solving Ethical Dilemmas as Part of Clinical Decision Making
    Professional Values Acquisition
    Applying Critical Thinking to the Clinical Decision-Making Process
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    Part II: Essential Communication Competencies
    5. Developing Person-Centred Communication Skills
    Basic Concepts
    Professional Communication Skills
    Characteristics of Person-Centred Communication
    Active Listening
    Active Listening Responses
    Mirroring Communication Patterns
    Verbal Communication and Responses
    Other Forms of Communication
    Specialized Communication Strategies
    Using Technology in Person-Centred Relationships
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    6. Variation in Communication Styles
    Basic Concepts
    Verbal Communication
    Verbal Style Factors that Influence Nurse–Person Professional Communication
    Nonverbal Communication
    Communication Accommodation Theory
    Effects of Sociocultural Factors on Communication
    Interpersonal Competence
    Style Factors That Influence Relationships
    Advocate for Continuity of Care
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    7. Cultural Contexts and Communication
    Basic Concepts
    Complexity of Culture
    Multiple Contexts of Culture
    Application of Cultural Contexts in Nursing Practice
    Cultural Safety
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    8. Engaging With Humility: Authentic Interpersonal Communication in Partnership: With Indigenous Peoples
    Historical Perspectives on Communications and Indigenous Peoples
    Decolonizing Approach
    Indigenous Determinants of Health
    Reflection and Reflexivity
    Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being
    The 4 Rs, Protocol, and Situating Self
    Engaging With Indigenous Communities
    Communication Barriers
    Interprofessional Collaboration
    Health Transfer, Tripartite Health Services, and Communication Challenges
    Engaging with Humility
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    Website/Resources List
    9. Communicating in Groups
    Basic Concepts
    Characteristics of Small Group Communication Therapy
    Applications to Health-Related Groups
    Group Leadership
    Informal Group Leaders
    Types of Therapeutic Groups
    Professional Task and Work Groups
    Discussion Questions
    Part III: Relationship Skills in Health Communication
    10. Self-Concept in Professional Interpersonal Relationships
    Basic Concepts
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    11. Developing Person-Centred Therapeutic Relationships
    Basic Concepts
    Relational Processes in Person-Centred Care
    Structure of Person-Centred Relationships
    Level of Involvement
    Phases of a Person-Centred Relationship
    Shared Decision Making (SDM)
    Self-Management in Person-Centred Relationships
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    Suggested Reading
    12. Bridges and Barriers in Therapeutic Relationships
    Basic Concepts
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    13. Communicating With Families
    Basic Concepts
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    Website/Resources List
    Part IV: Communication for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
    14. Resolving Conflicts Between Nurse and People Receiving Care
    Basic Concepts
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    15. Communication Strategies for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
    Basic Concepts
    Disease Prevention
    Global and National Health Promotion Agendas
    Theory-Based Frameworks
    Disease Prevention
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    Suggested Reading
    Website/Resources List
    16. Communication in Health Teaching and Coaching
    Basic Concepts
    Basic Concepts
    Domains of Learning
    Core Dimensions of Contemporary Patient Education
    Developing and Implementing Individualized Teaching Plans
    Components of Self-Management Patient Education
    Self-Management Skill Development
    Behavioural Approaches
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    Suggested Reading
    Website/Resources List
    17. Communication in Stressful Situations
    Basic Concepts
    Stress Models
    Coping Strategies
    Stress Issues for Older People
    Stress Reduction Strategies
    Questions for Review and Discussion
    Suggested Reading
    Website/Resources List
    Part V: Accommodating People With Special Communication Needs
    18. Communicating With People With Communication Disorders
    Basic Concepts
    Legal Mandates
  • Claire Mallette, RN, BScN, MScN, PhD, Associate Professor and Director, School of Nursing, York University, Toronto, ON, Olive Yonge, RN, BScN, MEd, PhD, R Psych, Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Elizabeth C. Arnold, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, Associate Professor of Nursing, Retired, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; Family Nurse Psychotherapist, Montgomery Village, MD and Kathleen Underman Boggs, PhD, FNP-CS, Family Nurse Practitioner; Associate Professor Emeritus, College of Health and Human Services, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina.
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