Evolve Resources for Saunders 2022-2023 Clinical Judgment and Test-Taking Strategies, 7th Edition

Student Resources on Evolve
- 1,200 NCLEX® Exam-style practice questions
- Three practice modes: 1) Study, with immediate feedback for responses, 2) Exam, a 10-, 25-, 50-, or 100-question test on any topics or categories, with scores provided upon completion, and 3) Next Generation NCLEX® questions
- Alternate item format test questions including multiple response, ordered response, fill-in-the-blank, figure/chart, and audio/video
- Option to use only new questions or to reset used questions
- Self-check button plus feedback with the recommended strategy
- History section displaying exam scores and allowing students to review their answers, the correct answers, rationales, codes, tips for the beginning nursing student, and test-taking strategies
- Results printed out or emailed to instructors
Newer Edition Available
Evolve Resources for 2024-2025 Saunders Clinical Judgment and Test-Taking Strategies
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