Evolve Resources for Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing, 6th Edition

Educator Resources on Evolve
- TEACH Instructor Resources including lesson plans, PowerPoint® slides, student handouts, and answer keys for textbook and Evolve exercises as well as the Study Guide
- Chapter pretests
- Test bank
- Image collection
- NGN case studies
Student Resources on Evolve
- 110 skills checklists
- 15 animations
- 15 video clips
- 410 NCLEX-PN® review questions
- Answer keys for in-text questions including critical thinking questions, nursing care plan critical thinking questions, skills questions, think critically questions, and end-of-chapter NCLEX® review questions
- Audio glossary
- Fluids and Electrolytes tutorial
- Body Spectrum online anatomy coloring book
- Helpful phrases for communicating in Spanish
Newer Edition Available
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