cover image - AACN Core Curriculum for Progressive and Critical Care Nursing - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323778107
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 07-21-2022
Page Count: 976
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $87.99

AACN Core Curriculum for Progressive and Critical Care Nursing - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition

by AACN and Tonja Hartjes, DNP, CNS, APRN, CNE®cl, CCRN, FAANP

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - AACN Core Curriculum for Progressive and Critical Care Nursing - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323778107
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 07-21-2022
Page Count: 976
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $87.99
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Prepare your students for clinical practice in progressive and critical care nursing with this definitive resource! From the experts at the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, the AACN Core Curriculum for Progressive and Critical Care Nursing, 8th Edition covers the knowledge and skills needed to provide safe and effective care in progressive and critical care settings and to prepare for the CCRN® and PCCN® certification examinations. Content in this edition corresponds to the most recent CCRN® and PCCN® exam blueprints and reflects the latest in evidence-based practice. With its clear outline format and comprehensive coverage of nursing competencies, this text is both a convenient clinical reference and a valuable study tool.

    • PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Although some copies of this title mention that an access code is included inside, no access code is included or required to access the Evolve materials for this book.
    • NEW! Updated content corresponds to the most recent CCRN® and PCCN® examination blueprints and reflects the latest research evidence, clinical studies, national and international treatment protocols, the AACN/ANA scope of practice, and AACN’s ECCO 3.0.
    • NEW! Reorganized table of contents, improved chapter format, and full-color design make the book easier to read and use.
    • NEW! Additional full-color illustrations, boxes, and tables enhance student understanding and provide quicker access to need-to-know information for clinical practice.
    • Experts at the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) provide the definitive reference for progressive and critical care nursing care of adults.
    • Concise outline format makes information easy to find and easy to digest.
    • Key content in each body systems chapter includes an anatomy and physiology review, assessment, patient care, and specific patient health problems.
    • Expert Tips and Key Concepts boxes highlight important content and serve as a quick reference.
    • Basic to advanced levels of coverage emphasizes clinical nursing practice, preparing students with the full range of knowledge needed for optimal patient care in progressive and critical care settings.
    • NEW! Updated content corresponds to the most recent CCRN® and PCCN® examination blueprints and reflects the latest research evidence, clinical studies, national and international treatment protocols, the AACN/ANA scope of practice, and AACN’s ECCO 3.0.
    • NEW! Updated table of contents, chapter format, and full-color design make the book easier to read and use.
    • NEW! Additional full-color illustrations, boxes, and tables enhance understanding and provide quicker access to need-to-know information in clinical practice.
  • PART I. Foundations of Progressive and Critical Care Nursing
    1. Professional Caring and Ethical Practice
    2. Psychosocial Aspects of Critical Care
    PART II. Critical Care of Patients with Issues Affecting Specific Body Systems
    3. Pulmonary System
    4. Cardiovascular System
    5. Neurologic System
    6. Renal System
    7. Endocrine System
    8. Hematologic and Immunologic Systems
    9. Gastrointestinal System
    PART III. Critical Care of Patients with Multisystem Issues
    10. Sepsis and Septic Shock
    11. Multisystem Trauma
    12. Burns
    13. Hypothermia
    14. Toxin Exposure
    PART IV. Critical Care of Patients with Special Needs
    15. Bariatric Patients
    16. Older Adult Patients
    17. High-Risk Obstetric Patients
    18. Patient Transport
    19. Sedation
    20. Pain
    21. Palliative and End-of-Life Care
    22. Perioperative Care
  • AACN and Tonja Hartjes, DNP, CNS, APRN, CNE®cl, CCRN, FAANP, Associate Program Director and Associate Professor, DNP Program, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.