cover image - Mosby's Dental Drug Reference - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 13th Edition
ISBN: 9780323779388
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 02-02-2021
Page Count: 1440
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $62.99

Mosby's Dental Drug Reference - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 13th Edition

by Arthur H. Jeske, DMD, PhD

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Mosby's Dental Drug Reference - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 13th Edition
ISBN: 9780323779388
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 02-02-2021
Page Count: 1440
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $62.99
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No dental student should be without this quick-reference drug handbook! Ideal for chairside use by the entire dental team, Mosby's Dental Drug Reference, 13th Edition provides guidelines for safe, accurate drug administration. More than 800 drug monographs make it easy to find the information most relevant to oral healthcare practitioners, including indications and dosages, contraindications, interactions, side effects, serious reactions, and dental-specific drug data. Accompanied by an Evolve website with additional monographs, photos of pathologic conditions, and more, this pocket guide provides the current, concise drug information needed at the point of care.

Newer Edition Available

14th Edition

Mosby's Dental Drug Reference - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780443125096
    • More than 800 drug monographs include each drug’s generic name, pronunciation, brand names, drug class, controlled substances schedule, mechanism of action, uses or indications, pharmacokinetics, doses and routes of administration, side effects/adverse reactions, contraindications, precautions, drug interactions of concern to dentistry, and more.
    • NEW! More than 70 new monographs are included on the Evolve site for newly released, FDA-approved monoclonal antibody drugs, plus up-to-date content on the latest drug therapies.
    • Detailed dental considerations at the end of each monograph include an easy-to-use, bulleted list of specific dental-related information as well as general drug information, saving you time with information that is dentistry-focused and easy to use.
    • Durable, pocket-sized format provides essential drug information at a glance, and makes this guide ideal for chairside use.
    • Emphasis on oral health, prevention, and treatment from the dental hygienist’s perspective makes it easier to use drug information for patient and family education.
    • Coverage of oral contraceptives provides dental information on these commonly used drugs, often known to patients only by their brand names.
    • Convenient reference information in the front of the guide includes a primer on the management of medically compromised patients, and the back of the guide includes convenient appendices on abbreviations, drugs associated with dry mouth, drugs that affect taste, oral contraceptives, preventing medication errors, and improving medication safety.
    • NEW! More than 70 new monographs are included on the Evolve website for newly released, FDA-approved monoclonal antibody drugs, plus up-to-date content on the latest drug therapies.
  • Internet References for Additional Drug Information and Professional Guidelines
    Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
    Individual Drug Monographs

    Drugs Associated with Dry Mouth
    Drugs That Affect Taste
    Preventing Medication Errors and Improving Medication Safety
    Oral Contraceptives
    Generic and Trade Name Index
  • Arthur H. Jeske, DMD, PhD, Associate Dean for Strategic Planning and Continuing Dental Education, Professor, Department of General Practice and Dental Public Health, The University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston, Houston, Texas
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