Netter's Pediatrics, 2nd Edition

Offers at-a-glance information for a quick overview of common pediatric issues—from nutrition, allergy, infectious disease, and adolescent medicine to cancer and heart disease.
Depicts key details for each condition with 500 detailed, crystal-clear images provided by Dr. Frank H. Netter, Dr. Carlos Machado, and others working in the Netter tradition.
Features new clinical vignettes at the start of each chapter.
Includes numerous new chapters including transgender health, feeding and nutrition, device and technology management, endocrine dysnatremias, syndromic intellectual disability, and mitochondrial disorders.
Provides access to more than 20 printable patient education brochures online.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
SECTION I Care of the Acutely Ill Child
1 Assessment of the Acutely Ill Child
2 Resuscitation, 9
3 Shock and Sepsis,
4 Acute Abdominopelvic Emergencies,
5 Drowning in Children
6 Burns
7 Injury and Trauma,
8 Poisoning and Ingestion
9 Brief Resolved Unexplained Event and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
10 Child Abuse and Neglect
SECTION II Care of the Complex Child
11 Symptom Evaluation and Management in Children With Medical Complexity
12 Respiratory Considerations in Children With Medical Complexity
13 Feeding and Nutrition in Children With Medical Complexity
14 Devices and Technology for Children With Medical Complexity
SECTION III Adolescent Medicine
15 Behavioral Health Conditions
16 Dysmenorrhea and Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
17 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Adolescents
18 Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth
19 Adolescent Sexual Health
SECTION IV Allergy and Immunology
20 Anaphylaxis
21 Urticaria and Angioedema
22 Allergic Rhinitistta
23 Immune Deficiency
SECTION V Bone and Joint Disorders
24 Disorders of the Neck and Spine
25 Disorders of the Hip and Lower Extremity
26 Common Fractures
27 Pediatric Sports Medicine
28 Osteomyelitis and Other Bone and Joint Infections
SECTION VI Cardiology
29 Development of the Cardiovascular System
30 Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
31 Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
32 Arrhythmias
33 Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy
34 Cardiac Evaluation of Chest Pain, Syncope, and Palpitations
35 Acquired Heart Disease
SECTION VII Dermatology
36 Dermatologic Morphology
37 Acne
38 Nevi
39 Atopic Dermatitis
40 Vascular Disorders
41 Hyperpigmented Skin Disorders
42 Hypopigmented Skin Lesions
43 Nutritional Dermatoses
44 Drug Eruptions
45 Dermatologic Bacterial Infections
SECTION VIII Endocrinology
46 Puberty
47 Thyroid Disease
48 Disorders of Calcium and Bone Metabolism
49 Disorders of the Adrenal Gland
50 Diabetes Mellitus
51 Hypoglycemia
52 Disorders of Growth
53 Endocrine Dysnatremias
SECTION IX Gastroenterology
54 Diarrhea
55 Constipation
56 Gastritis and Gastrointestinal Bleeding
57 Inflammatory Bowel Disease
58 Hernias
59 Disorders of the Esophagus
60 Intestinal Obstruction and Malrotation
61 Disorders of the Pancreas
62 Hepatobiliary Disease
63 Infections in the Gastrointestinal Tract
SECTION X Genetics and Metabolism
64 Overview of Genetic Testing and Newborn Screening
65 Chromosomal Disorders
66 Syndromes With Congenital Anomalies
67 Syndromic Intellectual Disability
68 Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders
69 Metabolic Disorders I
70 Metabolic Disorders II
71 Mitochondrial Disorders
SECTION XI Head and Neck Disorders
72 Disorders of the Eye
73 Disorders of the Ear and Audition
74 Disorders of the Nose and Sinuses
75 Disorders of Dentition and Oral Cavity
76 Disorders of the Neck
SECTION XII Hematology
77 Disorders of Red Blood Cells
78 Disorders of White Blood Cells, 468
Rebecca M. Sutherland
79 Platelet Disorders, 474
Ajibike Lapite
80 Sickle Cell Disease, 479
Ajibike Lapite and Michael Triebwasser
81 Disorders of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 483
Julianne McGlynn and Chelsea Kotch
SECTION XIII Infectious Diseases
82 The Febrile Infant
83 Fever of Unknown Origin
84 Fever in a Returning Traveler
85 Tick-Borne Illness
86 Human Immunodeficiency Virus
87 Tuberculosis
88 Viral Infections
89 Fungal Infections
90 Parasitic Diseases
SECTION XIV Neonatal Medicine
91 Newborn Examination
92 Assessment of the Acutely Ill Neonate
93 Disorders of the Respiratory System
94 Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract
95 Hematologic Disorders of the Neonate
96 Hyperbilirubinemia
97 Neonatal Dermatology
98 Disorders of the Nervous System
99 Neonatal Infections
SECTION XV Nephrology and Urology
100 Hematuria and Proteinuria
101 Hypertension
102 Glomerulonephritis
103 Nephrotic Syndrome
104 Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
105 Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease
106 Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract
107 Infections of the Urinary Tract
108 Seizures
109 Headache
110 Stroke
111 Neurocutaneous Disorders
112 Movement Disorders
113 Encephalopathies
114 Demyelinating Diseases
115 Spinal Cord Disorders
116 Neuromuscular Disorders
117 Neurologic Emergencies
118 Infectious Diseases of the Central Nervous System
119 Nutritional Requirements and Growth
120 Acute and Chronic Malnutritionn
121 Obesity
122 Nutritional Deficiencies
123 Leukemia
124 Lymphomas
125 Brain Tumors
126 Neuroblastoma
127 Renal Neoplasms
128 Bone Neoplasms
129 Rhabdomyosarcoma
130 Histiocyte Disorders
SECTION XIX Pulmonology
131 Asthma
132 Cystic Fibrosis and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
133 Sleep Medicine
134 Congenital Anomalies of the Lung
135 Infections of the Lower Airway
SECTION XX Rheumatology
136 Chronic Arthritis
137 Juvenile Dermatomyositis
138 Vasculitis and Vasculopathy
139 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
140 Granulomatous Disease