Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 9th Edition

Help your students master the basic principles and techniques of radiation safety! Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography, 9th Edition makes it easy for students to understand both basic and complex concepts in radiation protection, radiobiology, and radiation physics. Full-color coverage discusses the safe use of ionizing radiation in all imaging modalities, including the effects of radiation on humans at the cellular and systemic levels, regulatory and advisory limits for exposure to radiation, and the implementation of radiation safety practices for patients and personnel. Clear and concise, this text also prepares students for success on the ARRT certification exam and state licensing exams.
- NEW! Updated content reflects the latest ARRT and ASRT curriculum guidelines.
- NEW! Updated NCRP and ICRP content includes guidelines, regulations, and radiation quantities and units, explaining the effects of low-level ionizing radiation, demonstrating the link between radiation and cancer and other diseases, and providing the regulatory perspective needed for practice.
- Clear and concise writing style covers key concepts in radiation protection, biology, and physics in a building-block approach progressing from basic to more complex.
- Convenient, easy-to-use features make learning easier with chapter outlines and objectives, listing and highlighting of key terms, and bulleted summaries.
- Full-color illustrations and photos depict important concepts, and tables make information easy to reference.
- Timely coverage of radiation protection regulations addresses radiation awareness and education efforts across the globe.
- Chapter summaries and review questions allow students to assess their comprehension and retention of the most important information, with answers on the Evolve companion website.
- NEW! Updated content reflects the latest ARRT and ASRT curriculum guidelines.
- NEW! Updated NCRP and ICRP content includes guidelines, regulations, and radiation quantities and units, explaining the effects of low-level ionizing radiation, demonstrating the link between radiation and cancer and other diseases, and providing the regulatory perspective needed for practice.
1. Introduction to Radiation Protection
2. Radiation: Types, Sources, and Doses Received
3. Interaction of X-Radiation with Matter
4. Radiation Quantities and Units
5. Radiation Monitoring
6. Overview of Cell Biology
7. Molecular and Cellular Radiation Biology
8. Early Tissue Reactions and Their Effects on Organ Systems
9. Stochastic Effects and Late Tissue Reactions of Radiation in Organ Systems
10. Dose Limits for Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
11. Equipment Design for Radiation Protection
12. Management of Patient Radiation Dose During Diagnostic X-Ray Procedures
13. Radiation Safety in Computed Tomography and Mammography
14. Management of Imaging Personnel Radiation Dose During Diagnostic X-Ray Procedures
15. Radioisotopes and Radiation Protection
A: Relationship Between Systems of Units
B: Standard Designations for Metric System Lengths, Electron Volts, Energy Levels, and Frequency Spectrum Ranges
C: Periodic Table of Elements
D: Chance of a 50KeV Photon Interacting with Atoms of Tissue as It Travels Through 5 cm of Soft Tissue
E: Relationship Among Photons, Electromagnetic Waves, Wavelengths, and Energy
F: Electron Shell Structure of the Atom
G: Compton Interaction
H: Revision of 10 CFR Part 35*
I: Consumer-Patient Radiation Health and Safety Act of 1981*
J: Image Gently Pledge
K: Image Wisely Pledge