Basic and Enhanced Infection Control Online - eCommerce Version, 1st Edition
Online Course

Teach your students the concepts and techniques of infection control with this easy-to-use self-study course! Basic and Enhanced Infection Control Online uses interactive modules to show how to prevent the spread of highly contagious diseases and infections, helping students build the skills needed to work safely and keep patients safe. Content includes emerging topics such as COVID-19 and PPE, and case studies let students apply their knowledge to real-world situations. Upon successful completion of the course, students can print out a certificate for their portfolios!
- Review of basic infection control covers microbial mechanisms of spread, PPE, handwashing, and disinfection topics.
- Coverage of enhanced infection control includes the measures needed to ensure both patients and healthcare providers are at the lowest risk possible for transmission of current and emerging microbial infections.
- Customized content covers the bespoke needs of a wide range of healthcare settings and situations, addressing the needs of specific customers.
- Interactive case studies provide practice using critical-thinking skills in real-life scenarios.
- Lesson quizzes and a final exam provide assessment opportunities to test knowledge and comprehension.
- Printable certificate is presented upon successful completion of the course and final exam, allowing students to instantly receive proof that they have learned basic and enhanced infection control.
Mod 1 Microbial Disease Agents, Vectors, and Mechanisms of Spread
Mod 2 PPE
Mod 3 Basic Infection Control Measures
Mod 4 Enhanced Infection Control Measures
Lesson 1: Introduction to Enhanced Infection Control Procedures
Office settings (limit of patients, no waiting rooms, social distancing)
Face shields
Cleaning Materials
Patient Teaching
Difference between quarantining vs isolation
Treating patients with infectious diseases
Lesson 2: Inpatient (nursing, respiratory, imaging)
Lesson 3: Outpatient (dental, massage, pharm techs)
Includes MC questions, a mix of basic recall questions and mini case study type questions. A total of 30-40 questions.
Certificate of Completion granted with 80% correct score. Final Exam includes MC questions, a mix of basic recall questions and mini case study type questions. A total of 50 questions.
Certificate of Completion (granted with minimum 80% correct score)
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