Quality Management in the Imaging Sciences, 7th Edition

Help radiography students master all aspects of quality management and control in today’s imaging environment! A true one-of-a-kind text, Quality Management in the Imaging Sciences, 7th Edition provides the information needed to ensure that radiographic equipment operates properly and functions within accepted standards. Step-by-step instructions provide a guide to evaluating equipment and documenting results. Also included is coverage of the latest federal regulations, advances in technology, and current QM certification requirements. A part of the ASRT’s required core curriculum, this QM/QC resource is an excellent tool to help students prepare for the ARRT® Quality Management Advanced Level Examination.
- NEW! Updated content reflects the latest ARRT® Quality Management certification requirements.
- NEW! Imaging updates include new technologies, current regulations, and ACR® accreditation requirements.
- Coverage of quality management for all imaging sciences includes X-ray equipment, fluoroscopy, CT, MRI, sonography, and mammography.
- Step-by-step QM procedures include detailed instructions on how to evaluate imaging equipment, and full-sized sample documentation forms offer practice in recording results.
- Special icon and bolded type identify federal regulations important to quality management.
- Strong pedagogy aids comprehension with chapter outlines, learning objectives, key terms (with definitions in the glossary), lab experiments, and review questions at the end of each chapter.
- Useful appendix includes a review of the radiographic quality factors and a listing of agencies, organizations, and committees related to quality control and assurance.
- Two 160-question practice exams on the Evolve website help students prepare for the ARRT advanced certification examination in Quality Management.
- Evolve resources for instructors include a test bank, PowerPoint® slides, and an image collection.
- NEW! Updated content reflects the latest ARRT® Quality Management certification requirements.
- NEW! Imaging updates include new technologies, current regulations, and ACR® accreditation requirements.
1 Introduction to Quality Management
2 Quality Improvement Tools and Procedures
3 Image Quality
4 Film/Screen Image Receptor Systems
5 Quality Control of X-ray Generators and Ancillary Radiographic Equipment
6 Radiographic Image Artifacts
7 Quality Control of Fluoroscopic Equipment
8 Digital Radiographic and Fluoroscopic Systems and Advanced Imaging Equipment
9 Mammographic Quality Standards
10 Quality Control in Computed Tomography
11 Quality Control for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Equipment
12 Ultrasound Equipment Quality Assurance
13 Quality Assurance in Nuclear Medicine
Appendix A: Agencies, Organizations, and Committees in Quality Assurance