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cover image - Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal Non-Traumatic Disease,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323834735
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 04-21-2022
Page Count: 1200
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $357.99

Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal Non-Traumatic Disease, 3rd Edition

by Kirkland W. Davis, MD, FACR, Donna G Blankenbaker, MD, FACR and Stephanie Bernard, MD


cover image - Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal Non-Traumatic Disease,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323834735
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 04-21-2022
Page Count: 1200
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $357.99
    • Guides readers through the complexities of the full range of non-traumatic musculoskeletal disorders, including arthritis, collagen vascular diseases, bone tumors, soft tissue tumors, infections, systemic diseases, developmental and congenital abnormalities, and metabolic diseases
    • Contains multiple new chapters on topics such as musculoskeletal genetics, neurinomas, and rapidly progressive osteoarthritis, among others, as well as updates throughout on reclassified lesions, tumors, and neoplasms; musculoskeletal infection details, including image-guided aspirations and biopsies for infections; and evolving medical and surgical treatments for many musculoskeletal conditions
    • Reflects recent changes in the World Health Organization’s classification of tumors and tumor-like conditions regarding terminology and diagnostic criteria
    • Covers evolving imaging techniques such as ultrasound in non-traumatic disease imaging, contrast-enhanced ultrasound use in tumor biopsies, enhanced MR of musculoskeletal tumors, and diffusion-weighted MR, and PET/CT and PET/MR use for rapidly progressive osteoarthritis
    • Provides up-to-date discussions of enhancements in bone and soft tissue tumor pathology and imaging of orthopedic implants and related hardware
    • Features more than 3,750 annotated images (with an additional 2,100+ digital-only examples), including radiologic images, full-color medical illustrations, clinical and histologic photographs, and gross pathology images
    • Uses bulleted, succinct text and highly templated chapters for quick comprehension of essential information at the point of care
  • SECTION 1: ARTHRITIS INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 4 Introduction to Arthritis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR

    EROSIVE 10 Rheumatoid Arthritis of Axial Skeleton B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 16 Rheumatoid Arthritis of Shoulder and Elbow B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 22 Rheumatoid Arthritis of Wrist and Hand B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 28 Rheumatoid Arthritis of Hip B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 32 Rheumatoid Arthritis of Knee B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 36 Rheumatoid Arthritis of Ankle and Foot B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 40 Robust Rheumatoid Arthritis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 41 Felty Syndrome B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 42 Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 48 Adult Still Disease B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR

    PRODUCTIVE 50 Osteoarthritis of Axial Skeleton B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 54 DISH B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 60 OPLL B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 64 Rapidly Progressive Osteoarthritis 66 Osteoarthritis of Shoulder and Elbow B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 70 Osteoarthritis of Wrist and Hand B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 74 Osteoarthritis of Hip B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 80 Osteoarthritis of Knee B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR MIXED EROSIVE AND PRODUCTIVE 86 Ankylosing Spondylitis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR

    92 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Arthritis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 98 Psoriatic Arthritis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 104 Chronic Reactive Arthritis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR


    110 Gout Eva M. Escobedo, MD, B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR, and Kirkland W. Davis, MD, FACR 116 Pyrophosphate Arthropathy B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 122 Hydroxyapatite Deposition Disease B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 128 Amyloid Deposition B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 134 Hemochromatosis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 135 Ochronosis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 136 Wilson Disease B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 137 Oxalosis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR


    138 Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (PVNS) B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 144 Intraarticular Chondroma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 148 Nodular Synovitis (Intraarticular) B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 152 Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 153 Synovial Vascular Malformation B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 154 Synovial Chondromatosis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 160 Charcot (Neuropathic) B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 166 Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 172 Complex Regional Pain Syndr B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR


    180 Bone Tumors: Diagnosis, Staging, and Biopsy B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 188 Bone Tumors: Treatment Options and Follow-Up B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR BONE-FORMING TUMORS 194 Enostosis (Bone Island) B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 198 Osteoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 204 Osteoid Osteoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 210 Osteoblastoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 216 Conventional Osteosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 222 Parosteal Osteosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 228 Periosteal Osteosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 232 Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 236 Low-Grade Central Osteosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 240 High-Grade Surface Osteosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 242 Secondary Osteosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR CARTILAGE-FORMING TUMORS 246 Enchondroma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 252 Osteochondroma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 258 Multiple Hereditary Exostoses B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 264 Chondroblastoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 268 Chondromyxoid Fibroma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 272 Periosteal Chondroma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 278 Chondrosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 284 Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 286 Periosteal Chondrosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 288 Clear Cell Chondrosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR

    MARROW TUMORS 290 Plasmacytoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR and Chris Hanrahan, MD, PhD 296 Multiple Myeloma Chris Hanrahan, MD, PhD 302 POEMS B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 304 Ewing Sarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 310 Leukemia: Osseous Manifestations B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 314 Lymphoma of Bone B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 320 Metastases: Bone Marrow B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR OTHER OSSEOUS TUMORS 326 Desmoplastic Fibroma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 330 Del_Liposclerosing Myxofibrous Tumor B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 332 Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma of Bone B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 336 Fibrosarcoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 338 Intraosseous Lipoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 342 Giant Cell Tumor B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 348 Adamantinoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 352 Hemangioma: Intraosseous B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 358 Epithelioid Hemangioma 362 Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma of Bone B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 364 Angiosarcoma: Osseous B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 368 Chordoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR TUMOR-LIKE CONDITIONS 372 Paget Disease B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 378 Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 384 Fibrous Dysplasia B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 390 Osteofibrous Dysplasia B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 396 Simple Bone Cyst B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 402 Aneurysmal Bone Cyst B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 408 Fibroxanthoma B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR

    TUMORS BENIGN ADIPOCYTIC TUMORS 430 Lipoma: Soft Tissue Catherine C. Roberts, MD and B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 436 Lipomatosis Catherine C. Roberts, MD 442 Lipomatosis: Nerve Catherine C. Roberts, MD and B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 446 Macrodystrophia Lipomatosa Catherine C. Roberts, MD 450 Lipoma Arborescens: Knee Catherine C. Roberts, MD and B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 454 Lipoblastoma/Lipoblastomatosis Catherine C. Roberts, MD 456 Hibernoma Catherine C. Roberts, MD 460 Parosteal Lipoma Catherine C. Roberts, MD and B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR INTERMEDIATE ADIPOCYTIC TUMORS 464 Atypical Lipomatous Tumor/Well-Differentiated Liposarcoma Catherine C. Roberts, MD MALIGNANT ADIPOCYTIC TUMORS 468 Myxoid Liposarcoma Catherine C. Roberts, MD and B. J. Manaster, MD, PhD, FACR 472 Pleomorphic Liposarcoma Catherine C. Roberts, MD 473 Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma Catherine C. Rob

  • Kirkland W. Davis, MD, FACR, Professor of Radiology, Musculoskeletal Imaging and Intervention, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin, Donna G Blankenbaker, MD, FACR, Professor of Radiology, Musculoskeletal Imaging and Intervention, Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin and Stephanie Bernard, MD, Musculoskeletal Radiologist, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas