Conceptual Foundations, 8th Edition
Nursing success begins with an understanding of the profession and its development! Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice, 8th Edition provides the foundation your students need to prepare for professional nursing. The book’s conceptual approach lets students explore the thinking of leading theorists, analyze nursing issues, and apply their knowledge to a variety of client populations and clinical settings. Other topics relating to patient care include healthcare policy, economic and legal issues, and the changing roles of nurses. With two new chapters and extensive teaching and learning resources on Evolve, this text is ideal for RN-to-BSN bridge programs and for capstone courses in RN programs.
- NEW! Two new chapters include Fostering a Spirit of Inquiry: The Role of Nurses in Evidence-Based Practice and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Impact on Health Care and Nursing Care Strategies.
- NEW! Expanded content on interprofessional collaboration is added to this edition.
- NEW! Updated Violence Against Women chapter is renamed Chapter 18: Trauma-Informed Care, and covers the evolving science and role of nurses in addressing the care of individuals who have experienced trauma in multiple forms.
- NEW! Discussions of Healthy People 2030 and the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 are added to this edition.
- NEW! Added content on disaster management is added to this edition.
- Case studies throughout the text provide readers with opportunities to develop analytical skills.
- Critical Reflection Exercises help students apply their knowledge to everyday nursing practice.
- Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter provide a framework for study.
- Introduction explains the approach of each chapter and a Summary at the end reviews key content.
- Key Points emphasize the top take-away concepts in each chapter.
- Key Terms are presented in italics, and included definitions.
- NEW! Two new chapters include Fostering a Spirit of Inquiry: The Role of Nurses in Evidence-Based Practice and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Impact on Health Care and Nursing Care Strategies.
- NEW! Expanded content on interprofessional collaboration is added to this edition.
- NEW! Trauma-Informed Care chapter covers the evolving science and role of nurses in addressing the care of individuals who have experienced trauma in multiple forms.
- NEW! Discussions of Healthy People 2030 and the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 are added to this edition.
PART I Context of Professional Nursing Practice
1 A Brief History of the Professionalization of Nursing in the United States
2 Academic Progression
3 Beyond Professional Socialization
4 Fostering a Spirit of Inquiry: The Role of Nurses in Evidence-Based Practice
5 Theories and Frameworks for Professional Nursing Practice
6 Health Policy and Planning and the Nursing Practice Environment
PART II Dimensions of Professional Nursing Practice
7 Economic Issues in Nursing and Health Care
8 Nurse as Interprofessional Collaborator
9 Think Like a Nurse
10 The Continuum of Learning and Teaching in Nursing
11 Legal Aspects of Nursing Practice
12 Ethical Dimensions of Nursing and Health Care
13 Information Management
14 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Impact on Health Care and Nursing Care Strategies
PART III Themes in Professional Nursing Practice
15 Health and Health Promotion
16 Genetics and Genomics in Professional Nursing
17 Global Rural Nursing Practice
18 Trauma-Informed Care
19 Telehealth
20 Health Care Quality and Safety
21 Palliative Care: Compassionate Care Across Settings of Care
22 The Wisdom of Self-Care, Well-Being, and Resilience in Nursing
APPENDIX A: Select National Initiatives for Quality and Safety: Quality Chasm Series (National Academy Press, Washington, DC)
APPENDIX B: The Future of Nursing 2011 and 2021