cover image - Linton and Matteson's Medical-Surgical Practical Nursing in Canada - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323872942
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 01-08-2024
Page Count: 1376
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $87.99

Linton and Matteson's Medical-Surgical Practical Nursing in Canada - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 1st Edition

by Katherine Poser, RN, BScN, MNEd, PhD(c), Adrianne Dill Linton, BSN, MN, PhD, RN, FAAN and Mary Ann Matteson, PhD, RN, FAAN

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Linton and Matteson's Medical-Surgical Practical Nursing in Canada - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323872942
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 01-08-2024
Page Count: 1376
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $87.99
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Help your students master the role and responsibilities of the PN in Canadian medical-surgical nursing! The only Canadian medical-surgical nursing text designed for the Practical Nurse student, Linton and Matteson's Medical-Surgical Practical Nursing in Canada provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals of nursing, including roles, settings, and issues and trends in health care. Content includes descriptions of pathology, medical conditions organized by body system, emergency and disaster management, pandemic preparedness, and mental health nursing. Unique to this text is a unit focusing on the older adult — a key patient population that PNs see in practice. Featuring study tools to promote clinical reasoning and judgement, this text helps students prepare for the CPNRE® or REx-PN® licensure examinations and for success as new nurses.

    • UNIQUE! Separate unit on gerontological nursing covers physiological and psychosocial changes in the older adult, along with common problems such as fall prevention, immobility, and incontinence.
    • Nursing care plans illustrate the application of content to the nursing process, with critical thinking questions to encourage thoughtful analysis of patient needs and nursing care.
    • Canada’s unique health care context and cultural landscape is reflected in content relating to race/ethnicity, Indigenous peoples, gender identity, 2SLGBTQI+ community, family composition, recent immigrants, refugees, and vulnerable persons.
    • Inclusion of Canadian statistics and research incorporates references and resources, Canadian nursing best practice guidelines, assessment and screening tools, protocols, and more.
    • Coverage of Canadian medications includes dosages and metric measurements.
    • Get Ready for Exams! section at the end of each chapter includes key points, additional learning resources, and PN competency review questions, addressing the latest Canadian PN competencies and helping to ensure student success on the REx-PN® or CPNRE®.
    • Study tools in the text and on the Evolve website encourage the development of clinical reasoning and judgement, helping students succeed on REx-PN® and CPNRE® licensure examinations.
    • Coverage of current Canadian issues and topics includes Bill C-14 Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), interprofessional collaboration, Indigenous health vis-à-vis the Truth and Reconciliation Commission findings and Calls to Action, pandemic planning and preparedness, and more.
    • Interprofessional Collaborative Care boxes highlight the team approach to patient care, helping nurses prioritize and safely assign tasks to other health professionals.
    • Patient Teaching plans provide bulleted lists of nursing instructions for patients, stressing the role and responsibility of the PN in patient education.
    • Cultural Considerations boxes discuss the needs of culturally diverse patients when planning nursing care.
    • Health Promotion Considerations boxes highlight timely wellness and disease prevention topics.
    • Put on Your Thinking Cap boxes allow students to pause and consider the practical implications of what they have just read.
    • Nutritional Considerations boxes emphasize the role nutrition plays in disease and holistic nursing care.
    • Complementary and Alternative Therapies boxes highlight nontraditional therapies along with precautions and possible side effects.
    • Key terms with phonetic pronunciations help improve the terminology and language skills of English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) students and students with limited proficiency in English before they enter clinical practice.
  • UNIT I: Medical-Surgical Nursing
    1. Aspects of Medical-Surgical Nursing
    2. Medical-Surgical Practice Settings
    UNIT II: Populations Receiving Medical-Surgical Care
    3. Medical-Surgical Patients: Individuals, Families, and Communities
    UNIT III: Pathology Processes and Effects
    4. Health, Illness, Stress, and Coping
    5. Immunity, Inflammation, and Infection
    6. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
    7. Cancer
    8. Pain
    9. Shock
    UNIT IV: Special Problems of the Older Adult Patient
    10. Older Persons
    11. Falls
    12. Immobility
    13. Delirium & Dementia
    14. Incontinence
    UNIT V: Therapeutics
    15. Nutrition
    16. Intravenous Therapy
    17. Surgery
    18. The Patient With an Ostomy
    19. Palliative and Hospice Care
    20. Complementary and Alternative Therapies
    UNIT VI: Neurological System
    21. Neurological System Introduction
    22. Neurological Conditions
    23. Cerebrovascular Accident
    24. Spinal Cord Injury
    UNIT VII: Respiratory System
    25. Respiratory System Introduction
    26. Upper Respiratory Conditions
    27. Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Conditions
    28. Chronic Lower Respiratory Tract Conditions
    UNIT VIII: Hematological and Immunological Systems
    29. Hematological System Introduction
    30. Hematological Conditions
    31. Immunological System Introduction
    32. Immunological Conditions
    UNIT IX: Cardiovascular System
    33. Cardiovascular System Introduction
    34. Cardiac Conditions
    35. Vascular Disorders
    36. Hypertension
    UNIT X: Digestive System
    37. Digestive System Introduction
    38. Upper Digestive Tract Conditions
    39. Lower Digestive Tract Conditions
    40. Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreatic Conditions
    UNIT XI: Urological System
    41. Urological System Introduction
    42. Urological Conditions
    UNIT XII: Musculoskeletal System
    43. Musculoskeletal System Introduction
    44. Connective Tissue Conditions
    45. Fractures
    46. Amputations
    UNIT XIII: Endocrine System
    47. Endocrine System Introduction
    48. Pituitary and Adrenal Conditions
    49. Thyroid and Parathyroid Conditions
    50. Diabetes and Hypoglycemia
    UNIT XIV: Reproductive Systems
    51. Female Reproductive System Introduction
    52. Female Reproductive Conditions
    53. Male Reproductive System Introduction
    54. Male Reproductive Conditions
    55. Sexually Transmitted Infections
    UNIT XV: Integumentary Systems
    56. Integumentary System Introduction
    57. Skin Problems
    UNIT XVI: Special Senses: Vision and Hearing
    58. Special Senses Introduction
    59. Eye and Vision Conditions
    60. Ear and Hearing Conditions
    UNIT XVII: Medical-Surgical Patients with Psychiatric Problems
    61. Psychobiological Conditions
    62. Substance Use
    Unit XVIII: Nursing in Disasters and First Aid
    63. First Aid, Emergency Care, and Disaster Management
  • Katherine Poser, RN, BScN, MNEd, PhD(c), Professor, Associate Dean of Specialty Programs, School of Health and Wellness, St. Lawrence College, Adrianne Dill Linton, BSN, MN, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Department of Family and Community Health at the University of Texas San Antonio School of Nursing. and Mary Ann Matteson, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Department of Family Nursing at the University of Texas San Antonio School of Nursing
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.