cover image - Echocardiography in Congenital Heart Disease - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323874915
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 03-18-2021
Page Count: 264
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $114.99

Echocardiography in Congenital Heart Disease - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 1st Edition

by Mark B. Lewin and Karen K Stout, MD

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Echocardiography in Congenital Heart Disease - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323874915
Copyright: 2012
Publication Date: 03-18-2021
Page Count: 264
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $114.99
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    • Master challenging and advanced techniques including 3-D echocardiography and transesophageal echocardiography through a practical, step-by-step format that provides a practical approach to data acquisition and analysis, technical details, pitfalls, and case examples.
    • Expand your knowledge and apply the latest findings on congenital cardiovascular abnormalities and adult congenital heart disease
    • Reference the information you need quickly thanks to easy-to-follow, templated chapters, with an abundance of figures and tables that facilitate visual learning.
    • Access the complete text and illustrations online at plus video clips, additional cases, and much more!
  • Companion Series Congenital Heart Disease Guide: Table of Contents

    1 The Pediatric Transthoracic Echocardiogram

    2 The Fetal Echocardiogram

    3 Echo in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory

    4 Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE)

    5 Shunting Lesions

    6 Atrioventricular Canal Defects

    7 Conotruncal Lesions

    8 Transposition of the Great Arteries

    9 Venous Anomalies

    10 Single Ventricle Lesions

    11 Right Heart Anomalies

    12 Left Heart Anomalies

    13 Myocardial Pathology

    14 Kawasaki Disease: Echocardiographic Assessment

    15 Thromboembolic phenomena and vegetations

    16 Implications of pediatric renal, endocrine and oncologic disease

    17 Post-cardiac transplant echocardiographic assessment

  • Mark B. Lewin, Professor and Division Chief, Cardiology; Co-Director, Heart Center; Director, Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment Program; Director, Cardiac Echo Laboratory and Karen K Stout, MD, University of Washington
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