Murray's Basic Medical Microbiology - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 2nd Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Features a logical organization by organism, focusing on the association between an organism and disease.
Provides over 180 clinical cases to strengthen understanding of infectious organisms in a clinical setting.
Includes a brand new section with devoted chapters on diseases affecting each body system and the multiple organisms that may be responsible to help sharpen clinical reasoning skills.
Includes differential diagnosis, organism classification overview, and a list of antimicrobials used to treat infections in the introductory chapter of each organism section, reinforcing clinical application and relevance.
Contains numerous tables and high-quality illustrations that offer visual guidance and an easy review of key material.
Includes more multiple-choice review questions to aid in self-assessment and examination preparation.
SECTION I Introduction
1 Overview of Medical Microbiology
2 Introduction to Bacteria
3 Aerobic Gram-Positive Cocci
4 Aerobic Gram-Positive Rods
5 Acid-Fast Bacteria
6 Aerobic Gram-Negative Cocci and Coccobacilli
7 Aerobic Fermentative Gram-Negative Rods
8 Aerobic Non-fermentative Gram-Negative Rods
9 Anaerobic Bacteria
10 Spiral Shaped Bacteria
11 Intracellular Bacteria
12 Introduction to Viruses
13 Human Immunodeficiency Viruses
14 Human Herpes Viruses
15 Respiratory Viruses
16 Hepatitis Viruses
17 Gastrointestinal Viruses
18 Human Papilloma Virus
19 Introduction to Fungi
20 Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Fungi
21 Systemic Dimorphic Fungi
22 Opportunistic Fungi
SECTION V Parasites
23 Introduction to Parasites
24 Protozoa
25 Nematodes
26 Trematodes
27 Cestodes
28 Arthropods
SECTION VI Clinical Cases—Introduction to Infectious Diseases
29 Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
30 Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
31 Gastrointestinal Tract Infections
32 Genitourinary Tract Infections
33 Central Nervous System Infections
34 Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
35 Sepsis and Cardiovascular Infections
36 Miscellaneous Infections