Evolve Resources for Occupational Therapy with Aging Adults, 2nd Edition

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Section I: Conceptual Foundations of Gerontological Occupational Therapy
1. Introduction: Gerontological Occupational Therapy
2. Ethical and Legal Aspects of Occupational Therapy Practice with Older Adults
3. Epidemiological Factors Associated with the Aging Process: Implications for OT
4. Social Theories of Aging Relevant to Occupational Therapy
5. Foundations of Evidence-Based Gerontological Occupational Therapy Practice
6. Approaches to Screening and Assessment in Gerontological Occupational Therapy
7. Occupational Therapy Intervention Process with Aging Adults
Section II: Age-Related Biological System Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy
8. Musculoskeletal System Changes with Aging: Implications for Occupational Therapy
9. Physiological and Neurological System Changes with Aging and Related Occupational Therapy Interventions
10. Occupational Therapy Interventions for Older Adults with Low Vision and/or Hearing Impairment
11. Aging Disgracefully: Perspectives on Disability Experience and Activism from Disability Studies and Anthropology
12. Nutrition, Food Insecurity, and Occupational Performance
13. Oral Health for Aging Adults
14. Pharmacology, Pharmacy, and the Aging Adult: Implications for Occupational Therapy
Section III: Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy
15. Neurology and Cognition in Aging and Everyday Life
16. Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Intervention
17. Aging Adults and Mental Health: Engaging in Meaningful Occupations
18. Spirituality, Resilience, and Aging
19. Diverse Understandings of ‘Successful’ Aging
Section IV: The Functional Environment of Aging Adults and Gerontological Occupational Therapy
20. The Physical Environment and Aging
21. Driving and Transportation: Aging Drivers
22. Assistive Technology: Supports for Aging Adults
23. Families, Friends, and Aging
24. Humanities and the Arts in Later Life
Section V: Continuum of Care and Gerontological Occupational Therapy
25. Health Care Systems and Services Overview
26. The Role of Occupational Therapy in Primary Care
27. The Role of Occupational Therapy in Acute and Subacute Care with Aging Adults
28. Residential and Skilled Care
29. Home: An Evolving Context for Health Care
SECTION VI: Trends and Innovations in Care for Aging Adults
30. Intraprofessional and Interprofessional Processes in Gerontological Care
31. Occupational therapists, Social Change, and Social Transformation Through Occupation
32. Building Age-Inclusive Communities
33. The Future of Gerontological Occupational Therapy
Glossary -
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