cover image - Canadian Clinical Skills: Essentials Collection - eCommerce Version, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323879132
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 05-17-2023
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $159.00

Canadian Clinical Skills: Essentials Collection - eCommerce Version, 1st Edition

by Elsevier Inc

Clinical Skills Online

cover image - Canadian Clinical Skills: Essentials Collection - eCommerce Version, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323879132
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 05-17-2023
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $159.00
For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.

Now there’s a standardized way to teach and evaluate skill performance across your entire Canadian nursing curriculum! Canadian Clinical Skills: Essentials Collection is an engaging, online training tool using videos to guide students through more than 160 procedures and health assessment skills. Designed for Canadian students of all learning styles, each video uses a seven-part framework to demonstrate skills step by step. Best of all, this remarkable training product includes checklists and competency tests for each skill to help you easily monitor your students’ progress. Whether used in the classroom or at home, these high-definition videos will leave students with a 360-degree understanding of how to perform each skill safely and effectively before entering the clinical environment.

    • Coverage of more than 160 nursing and health assessment skills reflects current, evidence-based Canadian clinical practice.
    • Quick sheets provide a concise, step-by-step summary of each skill.
    • Convenient, web-based program utilizes the same professional format that practising nurses use to train.
    • Consistent, competency-based format for learning skills offers a standardized way for students to learn and perform skills, with useful tools to help them obtain a holistic understanding of the skill and nursing competencies.
    • Extended text section offers an in-depth look at all aspects of each skill. Subjects include:
        • Safety Alerts
        • Overview
        • Supplies
        • Education
        • Assessment and Planning
        • Delegation opportunities
        • Procedures
        • Monitoring and Care
        • Expected and Unexpected Outcomes
        • Documentation guidelines with Sample Documentations
        • Special Pediatric, Gerontological, and Home Care Considerations
        • Evidence-informed references
        • Additional reading suggestions

    • Demonstration videos and animations visually guide students through each step involved in the skill.
    • English and French closed captioning is provided for all videos and animations.
    • Illustrations and images show important procedures, equipment, and documents involved in the skill.
    • Supply lists familiarize students with each piece of equipment needed to perform skills.
    • Instructor-assigned Competency Tests with rationales help students review and evaluate their understanding of each skill, and feed back to the instructor’s gradebook.
    • Interactive, downloadable, and printable evaluation checklists enable students and instructors to measure and track various skill competencies.
  • 1. Active Listening: Connecting with Others
    2. Adding Items to a Sterile Field
    3. Administering an Enema
    4. Administering Central Parenteral Nutrition (CPN)
    5. Administering Ear Medications
    6. Administering Enteral Nutrition
    7. Administering Intradermal Injections
    8. Administering Intramuscular Injections
    9. Administering IV Medications by Mini-Infusion Pump
    10. Administering IV Medications by Piggyback
    11. Administering Medications by Intravenous Bolus
    12. Administering Ophthalmic Medications
    13. Administering Oral Medications
    14. Administering Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition with Lipid (Fat) Emulsion
    15. Administering Rectal Suppositories
    16. Administering Subcutaneous Injections
    17. Applying a Condom-type Catheter
    18. Applying a Dry Dressing
    19. Applying a Nasal Cannula or Face Mask
    20. Applying a Transdermal Patch and Nitroglycerin Ointment
    21. Applying Graduated Compression Stockings
    22. Applying Physical Restraints
    23. Applying Topical Medications
    24. Assessing Apical Pulse
    25. Assessing Apical-Radial Pulse
    26. Assessing Pain
    27. Assessing Radial Pulse
    28. Assessing Respiration
    29. Assessing the Abdomen
    30. Assessing the Breasts and Axillae
    31. Assessing the Ears
    32. Assessing the Eyes
    33. Assessing the Head, Neck, and Lymphatics
    34. Assessing the Heart
    35. Assessing the Musculoskeletal System
    36. Assessing the Neurological System: Mental Status and Cranial Nerves
    37. Assessing the Neurological System: Motor and Sensory Functions
    38. Assessing the Nose, Mouth, and Pharynx (Throat)
    39. Assessing the Patient with Female Genitalia and Their Rectum
    40. Assessing the Patient with Male Genitalia and Their Rectum
    41. Assessing the Peripheral Vascular System
    42. Assessing the Skin, Hair, and Nails
    43. Assessing the Thorax and Lungs
    44. Assessment for Postpartum Depression
    45. Assisting Adult Patients with Oral Nutrition
    46. Assisting with a Tub Bath or Shower
    47. Assisting with a Urinal
    48. Assisting with Ambulation
    49. Assisting with Cast Application
    50. Assisting with Moving a Patient in Bed
    51. Assisting with Positioning a Patient in Bed
    52. Assisting with the Use of Canes, Walkers, and Crutches
    53. Blood Glucose Monitoring
    54. Care of the Patient with an Immobilization Device
    55. Caring for Pressure Injuries
    56. Change of Shift: Hand-off Report
    57. Changing a Short-Peripheral Venous Access Device Dressing
    58. Changing Administration Sets and Intravenous Solution Containers
    59. Collecting a Midstream (Clean-Voided) Urine Specimen
    60. Collecting a Sputum Specimen
    61. Dealing with Conflict
    62. Designing a Restraint-Free Environment
    63. Removing a Short-Peripheral Venous Access Device
    64. Documenting Medication Administration
    65. Drawing Blood from a Central Vascular Access Device (CVAD)
    66. Dressing the Infusion Site
    67. Empathy: The Foundation of Caring
    68. Ensuring Oxygen Safety
    69. Ensuring the Ten Rights of Medication Administration
    70. Establishing and Maintaining a Sterile Field
    71. Head-to-Toe Assessment
    72. Initiating a Transfusion
    73. Inserting a Small-Bore Nasogastric Feeding Tube
    74. Inserting an Indwelling Urinary Catheter in a Patient with Female Genitalia
    75. Inserting an Indwelling Urinary Catheter in a Patient with Male Genitalia
    76. Maintaining an Airway
    77. Making a Surgical Bed
    78. Making an Occupied Bed
    79. Making an Unoccupied Bed
    80. Managing a Feeding Tube
    81. Managing Pain and Basic Comfort Measures
    82. Managing Wound Drainage Evacuation
    83. Measuring Body Temperature
    84. Measuring Height and Weight
    85. Measuring Occult Blood in Gastric Secretions (Gastroccult)
    86. Measuring Occult Blood in Stool
    87. Measuring Oxygen Saturation with Pulse Oximetry
    88. Midline Catheter: Maintenance and Dressing Change
    89. Midline Catheter: Removal
    90. Monitoring for Adverse Reactions to a Transfusion
    91. Monitoring Intake and Output
    92. Nursing Process: Assessment
    93. Nursing Process: Diagnosis
    94. Nursing Process: Evaluation
    95. Nursing Process: Implementation
    96. Nursing Process: Planning
    97. Obtaining a Specimen from an Indwelling Urinary Catheter
    98. Obtaining Blood Pressure by the One-Step Method
    99. Obtaining Blood Pressure by the Two-Step Method
    100. Obtaining Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Readings from a Patient with an External Ventricular Drain (EVD)
    101. Obtaining Wound Specimens for Culture
    102. Performing a Complete or Partial Bed Bath
    103. Performing a Disposable Bed Bath
    104. Performing a Wound Assessment
    105. Performing Back Massage
    106. Performing Closed Urinary Catheter Irrigation
    107. Performing Dressing Care for a Central Vascular Access Device (CVAD)
    108. Performing Hand Hygiene
    109. Performing Intermittent Straight Catheterization
    110. Performing Mouth Care for an Unconscious or Debilitated Patient
    111. Performing Nail and Foot Care
    112. Performing Nasotracheal and Nasopharyngeal Suctioning
    113. Performing Oropharyngeal Suctioning
    114. Performing Perineal Care for a Patient with Female Genitalia
    115. Performing Perineal Care for a Patient with Male Genitalia
    116. Performing Range-of-Motion Exercises
    117. Performing Sterile Gloving
    118. Performing Venipuncture
    119. Performing Wound Irrigation
    120. Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC): Removal
    121. Physical Preparation for Surgery
    122. Pouching a Colostomy
    123. Pouching a Urostomy
    124. Pouring a Sterile Solution
    125. Preoperative Assessment
    126. Preparing and Administering Insulin
    127. Preparing for a Transfusion
    128. Preparing Injections from a Vial
    129. Preparing Injections from an Ampoule
    130. Preparing the Infusion Site and Initiating an Infusion
    131. Preparing Two Medications in One Syringe
    132. Presenting Yourself to the Workplace
    133. Preventing Medication Errors
    134. Promoting Caregiver Support and Participation
    135. Providing a Bedpan
    136. Providing Catheter Care
    137. Providing Postoperative Care
    138. Providing Tracheostomy Care
    139. Regulating an Intravenous Infusion
    140. Removing a Small-Bore Nasogastric Feeding Tube
    141. Removing an Indwelling (Foley) Urinary Catheter
    142. Safe Handling of Hazardous Medications
    143. Setting Oxygen Flow Rates
  • Elsevier Inc
  • This product is available in the following formats:
    Blackboard Learn
    Brightspace by D2L
    Canvas by Instructure
    Evolve (Elsevier)
    Other LMS
For Qualified Instructors.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to register for access will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.