Evolve Resources for Netter’s Atlas of Anatomy for Speech, Swallowing, and Hearing, 4th Edition
- Features Dr. Frank Netter’s unique medical illustrations and straightforward descriptions that clearly present the anatomy and physiology of speech, language, and hearing.
- Presents text on the left-hand page and the related image on the right, providing the visual and written information you need to know in a "read-it, see-it" format.
- Contains more integrated physiology throughout, plus expanded coverage of the oropharyngeal-articular and nervous auditory systems, key information on the anatomy of the vestibular system, and the addition of fundamental neuroanatomical concepts for speech production and for swallowing.
- Includes system musculature summary tables for each section that present vital information in a quick, easy, and consistent format for study and reference.
- Enhanced eBook includes video clips of cadaver dissections, animations, self-test questions, and exercises to enhance your understanding of SLH anatomy and physiology.
Evolve Instructor site with an image and test bank is available to instructors through their Elsevier sales rep or via request at https://evolve.elsevier.com.
The Respiratory System
- Skeletal Framework
- Respiratory Tract
- The Respiratory Muscles
- Respiratory Volumes and Capacities
The Phonatory System
- Larynx
- Laryngeal Cartilages
- Hyoid Bone
- Articulations
- Ligaments and Membranes
- Vocal Folds
- Laryngeal Muscles
- Intrinsic Muscles
- Extrinsic Muscles
The Articulatory System
- Cranial Anatomy
- Vocal Tract
- Muscles of Facial Expression
- Neck Muscle
- Tongue Muscles
- Muscles of Mastication
- Muscles of the Soft Palate
- Pharyngeal Muscles
- Velopharyngeal Mechanism
The Auditory System
- Inner Ear
- Middle Ear
- Outer Ear
- Telencephalon
- Diencephalon
- Mesencephalon
- Pons
- Medulla Oblongata
- Spinal Cord
- Cerebellum
- Cranial Nerves
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