cover image - The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Digestive System, Volume 9, Part II – Lower Digestive Tract - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323883825
Copyright: 2026
Publication Date: 09-30-2024
Page Count: 256
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $79.99

The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Digestive System, Volume 9, Part II – Lower Digestive Tract - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 3rd Edition

by James C. Reynolds, MD, Peter J. Ward, PhD, Suzanne Rose, MD, MSEd and Missale Solomon, MD

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Digestive System, Volume 9, Part II – Lower Digestive Tract - Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323883825
Copyright: 2026
Publication Date: 09-30-2024
Page Count: 256
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $79.99
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    • Provides a highly visual guide to the small bowel and colon in a single source, from basic sciences and normal anatomy and function through pathologic conditions.
    • Offers expert coverage of new topics, including gut microbiome, colon cancer screening guidelines, and lower gastrointestinal bleeds.
    • Provides a concise overview of complex information by integrating anatomical and physiological concepts with clinical scenarios.
    • Compiles Dr. Frank H. Netter’s master medical artistry—an aesthetic tribute and source of inspiration for medical professionals for over half a century—along with new art in the Netter tradition for each of the major body systems, making this volume a powerful and memorable tool for building foundational knowledge and educating patients or staff.
  • SECTION 1: Overview of Lower Digestive Tract
    1.1 Arteries of Small Intestine
    1.2 Arteries of Large Intestine
    1.3 Veins of Small Intestine
    1.4 Veins of Large Intestine
    1.5 Veins of Rectum and Anal Canal: Female
    1.6 Autonomic Reflex Pathways: Schema
    1.7 Intrinsic Autonomic Plexuses of Intestine: Schema
    1.8 Autonomic Innervation of Small and Large Intestines: Schema
    1.9 Autonomic Innervation of Small Intestine
    1.10 Autonomic Innervation of Large Intestine
    1.11 Digestion of Protein
    1.12 Digestion of Carbohydrates
    1.13 Digestion of Fat
    1.14 Secretory, Digestive, and Absorptive Functions of Colon and Colonic Flora
    1.15 Causes of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
    1.16 Management of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
    1.17 Laparoscopic Peritoneoscopy
    1.18 Acute Abdomen: Causes
    1.19 Acute Abdomen: Thoracic, Retroperitoneal, Systemic, Abdominal Wall
    1.20 Overview of Digestive Tract Obstructions
    1.21 Acute Peritonitis
    1.22 Chronic Peritonitis
    1.23 Cancer of Peritoneum
    1.24 Abdominal Wounds: Blast Injuries
    1.25 Physiology of Gastroenteric Stomas
    1.26 Physiology of Gastroenteric Stomas (Continued)
    SECTION 2: Small Bowel
    2.1 Development of Small Intestine
    2.2 Topography and Relations of Small Bowel
    2.3 Mucosa and Musculature of Duodenum
    2.4 Small Intestine Microscopic Structure
    2.5 Epithelium of Small Intestine
    2.6 Blood Supply of Small Intestine
    2.7 Lymph Drainage of Small Intestine
    2.8 Motility and Dysmotility of Small Intestine
    2.9 Gradient and Ileocecal Sphincter
    2.10 Gastrointestinal Hormones
    2.11 Pathophysiology of Small Intestine
    2.12 Tests for Small Bowel Function: Wireless Motility Capsule
    2.13 Tests for Small Bowel Function: Radiologic and Endoscopic Tests
    2.14 Congenital Intestinal Obstruction: Atresia
    2.15 Congenital Intestinal Obstruction: Malrotation of Colon and Volvulus of Midgut
    2.16 Congenital Intestinal Obstruction: Meconium Ileus
    2.17 Diaphragmatic Hernia: Sites and Herniation of Abdominal Viscera
    2.18 Diaphragmatic Hernia: Thoracic Approach to Repair
    2.19 Intussusception
    2.20 Omphalocele
    2.21 Duplications of Alimentary Tract
    2.22 Meckel Diverticulum: Variants of Vitelline Duct Remnants
    2.23 Meckel Diverticulum: Complications of Meckel Diverticulum and Vitelline Duct Remnants
    2.24 Diverticula of Small Intestine
    2.25 Celiac Disease: Malabsorption
    2.26 Celiac Disease: Endoscopic and Histologic Findings
    2.27 Tropical Sprue
    2.28 Whipple Disease (Intestinal Lipodystrophy)
    2.29 Bacterial Overgrowth
    2.30 Carbohydrate Malabsorption, Including Lactose Malabsorption
    2.31 Protein-Losing Enteropathies
    2.32 Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases
    2.33 Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome and Other Rare Diarrheal Disorders
    2.34 Crohn’s Disease: Imaging and Regional Variations
    2.35 Crohn’s Disease: Fistulizing (Penetrating)
    2.36 Crohn’s Disease: Extraintestinal Manifestations
    2.37 Typhoid Fever: Transmission and Pathologic Lesions
    2.38 Typhoid Fever: Paratyphoid Fever, Enteric Fever
    2.39 Infectious Enteritis: Viral Enteritis
    2.40 Infectious Enteritis: Food Poisoning: Infection Type
    2.41 Infectious Enteritis: Food Poisoning: Toxin Type
    2.42 Infectious Enteritis: Reactive Arthritis
    2.43 HIV/AIDS Enteropathy
    2.44 Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder
    2.45 Abdominal and Intestinal Tuberculosis: Appearance of Mucosa
    2.46 Abdominal and Intestinal Tuberculosis: Chronic Peritonitis
    2.47 Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare Infection
    2.48 Small Bowel Manifestations of Systemic Diseases: Connective Tissue Disorder and Dermatologic Diseases
    2.49 Small Bowel Manifestations of Systemic Diseases: Miscellaneous Disorders
    2.50 Intestinal Obstruction: Obstruction and Adynamic Ileus of Small Intestine
    2.51 Intestinal Obstruction: Computed Tomography of Small Intestine Obstruction
    2.52 Vascular Malformation of Small Intestine: Small Intestinal Bleeding
    2.53 Vascular Malformation of Small Intestine: Angiodysplasias and Pigmentation
    2.54 Indirect and Direct Inguinal Hernias: Indirect Inguinal Hernia
    2.55 Indirect and Direct Inguinal Hernias: Funicular Process and Hernia in Infancy
    2.56 Indirect and Direct Inguinal Hernias: Tension-Free Hernia and McVay Repairs
    2.57 Indirect and Direct Inguinal Hernias: Transabdominal Preperitoneal and Totally Extraperitoneal Approaches to Inguinal Hernia
    2.58 Femoral Hernia: Anatomy
    2.59 Femoral Hernia: Surgical Repair
    2.60 Complications of Inguinal and Femoral Hernias
    2.61 Special Forms of Hernia
    2.62 Ventral Hernia
    2.63 Lumbar and Parastomal Hernias
    2.64 Pelvic Hernias
    2.65 Internal Hernia
    2.66 Abdominal Wounds of Small Intestine
    2.67 Abdominal Wounds of Mesentery
    2.68 Abdominal Wounds Resulting From Blast Injuries
    2.69 Mesenteric Ischemia: Thrombosis of Mesenteric Artery
    2.70 Mesenteric Ischemia: Thrombosis of Mesenteric Vein
    2.71 Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome
    2.72 Celiac Artery Compression Syndrome (Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome)
    2.73 Cancer of Peritoneum (Peritoneal Carcinomatosis)
    2.74 Familial Mediterranean Fever and Other Rare Etiologies of Abdominal Pain
    2.75 Acute Intermittent Porphyria
    2.76 Laparoscopy
    2.77 Giardiasis
    2.78 Benign Tumors of Small Intestine
    2.79 Benign Tumors of Small Intestine (Continued)
    2.80 Carcinoid
    2.81 Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
    2.82 Malignant Tumors of Small Intestine
    2.83 Malignant Tumors of Small Intestine (Continued)
    SECTION 3: Colon
    3.1 Development of Large Intestine
    3.2 Ileocecal Region: External Features
    3.3 Ileocecal Region: Internal Features
    3.4 Vermiform Appendix
    3.5 Mesenteric Relations of Intestines
    3.6 Typical Sigmoid Colon and Variations
    3.7 Structure of Colon
    3.8 Rectum In Situ: Female and Male
    3.9 Structure of Rectum and Anal Canal
    3.10 Histology of Anal Canal
    3.11 Anorectal Musculature: Sigmoid and Cross Section
    3.12 Anorectal Musculature: External Anal Sphincter
    3.13 Anorectal Musculature: Muscles of Pelvic Floor
    3.14 Anorectal Musculature: Pelvic Diaphragm (Male)
    3.15 Blood Supply of Large Intestine: Variations in Cecal and Appendicular Arteries
    3.16 Blood Supply of Large Intestine: Variations in Colic Arteries
    3.17 Blood Supply of Large Intestine: Variations in Colic Arteries (Continued)
    3.18 Blood Supply of Large Int

  • James C. Reynolds, MD, Professor of Clinical Medicine, Co-Director, Neurogastroenterology and Motility Program, Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Peter J. Ward, PhD, Professor of Anatomy, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, West Virginia, Suzanne Rose, MD, MSEd, Sr. Vice Dean for Medical Education; Perelman School of Medicine, UPenn; and Missale Solomon, MD, Digestive Diseases Assoc; Catonsville
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