Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 13th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Now $130.14
Master the principles and skills you’ll need to succeed as a respiratory therapist! Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 13th Edition provides a solid foundation in respiratory care and covers the latest advances in this dynamic field. For more than 50 years, this text has been the go-to resource to understand the role of the respiratory therapist, the scientific basis for treatment, and clinical applications. Comprehensive chapters prepare you for clinical and exam success by correlating to the 2020 NBRC Exam matrices. The 13th Edition includes updated coverage of COVID-19, the latest AARC clinical practice guidelines, and a new enhanced eBook version included with print purchase.
- NEW! Enhanced eBook version is included with print purchase, allowing you to access all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud — plus videos, animations, an English/Spanish glossary, and lecture notes.
- NEW AND UPDATED! All chapters reflect the latest advances in respiratory care. Patient-ventilator interaction chapter contains all new content, and chapters on e-Medicine, pulmonary infections, neonatal and pediatric care, ventilator physiology, and ICU patient monitoring have been fully revised and updated.
- UPDATED! Coverage of the latest advancements in respiratory care research and patient care addresses key topics, including COVID-19 and other related viruses.
- Focus on exam preparation with content linked to NBRC credentialing exam matrices and clinical simulations.
- Expert authorship and a focus on each chapter by and for respiratory therapists helps improve utility and readability.
- Excerpts of the AARC’s Clinial Practice Guidelines (CPGs) provide important information regarding indications/contraindications, hazards and complications, assessment of need, assessment of outcome, and monitoring.
- Mini-Clinis — short, critical-thinking case scenarios with Q&A — encourage you to solve realistic problems commonly encountered during patient care.
- Sample Therapist-Driven Protocol (TDP) algorithms and coverage expose you to the use of decision trees developed by hospitals to promote assessment and evaluation skills in patient care.
- Rules of Thumb features in each chapter highlight rules, formulae, and key points important to clinical practice and are marked with a special icon for easy identification.
- Learning Objectives align exactly with the Summary Checklist at the end of each chapter, paralleling the three areas tested on the 2020 NBRC Therapist Multiple-Choice Examination: recall, analysis, and application.
- End-of-textbook glossary includes key terms and definitions necessary for comprehension of key concepts.
SECTION I Foundations of Respiratory Care
1 Early History of Respiratory Care
2 The Profession of Respiratory Care
3 Quality, Patient Safety, and Communication
4 Principles of Infection Prevention and Control
5 Ethical and Legal Implications of Practice
6 Physical Principles of Respiratory Care
7 E-Medicine in Respiratory Care
8 Fundamentals of Respiratory Care Research
SECTION II Applied Anatomy and Physiology
9 The Respiratory System
10 The Cardiovascular System
11 Ventilation
12 Gas Exchange and Transport,
13 Solutions, Body Fluids, and Electrolytes
14 Acid-Base Balance
15 Regulation of Breathing
SECTION III Assessment of Respiratory Disorders
16 Bedside Assessment of the Patient
17 Interpreting Clinical and Laboratory Data
18 Interpreting the Electrocardiogram
19 Analysis and Monitoring of Gas Exchange
20 Pulmonary Function Testing
21 Review of Thoracic Imaging
22 Flexible Bronchoscopy and the Respiratory Therapist
23 Nutrition Assessment
SECTION IV Review of Cardiopulmonary Disease
24 Pneumonia
25 Obstructive Lung Disease: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Asthma, and Related Diseases
26 Interstitial Lung Disease
27 Pleural Diseases
28 Pulmonary Vascular Disease
29 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
30 Respiratory Management of Trauma, Obesity, Near Drowning, and Burns
31 Acute Heart Failure
32 Lung Cancer
33 Neuromuscular and Other Diseases of the Chest Wall
34 Disorders of Sleep
35 Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Disorders
SECTION V Basic Therapeutics
36 Airway Pharmacology
37 Airway Management
38 Emergency Cardiovascular Life Support
39 Humidity and Bland Aerosol Therapy
40 Aerosol Drug Therapy
41 Storage and Delivery of Medical Gases
42 Medical Gas Therapy
43 Lung Expansion Therapy
44 Airway Clearance Therapy
SECTION VI Acute and Critical Care
45 Respiratory Failure and the Need for Ventilatory Support
46 Mechanical Ventilators
47 Physiology of Ventilatory Support
48 PatienteVentilator Interactions
49 Initiating and Adjusting Invasive Ventilatory Support
50 Noninvasive Ventilation
51 Extracorporeal Life Support
52 Monitoring the Patient in the Intensive Care Unit
53 Discontinuing Ventilatory Support
54 Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care
SECTION VII Patient Education and Long-Term Care
55 Health Promotion Through Patient Education
56 Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
57 Respiratory Care in Alternative Settings
58 Ethics and the End of Life