Physician Assistant Board Review, 4th Edition

Uses a concise, outline format, with content written to align with the new PANCE and PANRE/PANRE-LA blueprint, for comprehensive coverage of all key concepts.
Provides nearly 200 up-to-date questions and answers with rationales, plus 600 updated and revised test bank questions online, all aligned with PANCE item architecture.
Includes a new chapter on Professional Practice, covering topics such as medical ethics, informatics, communication, public health, risk management, and more.
Contains more than 200 tables and figures throughout, offering a visual aid for review.
Updated pharmacology chapter featuring easy-to-review tables of important drugs.
Features sections covering various test-taking strategies to help you increase your score.
An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Color Plate Section follows the Front Matter
1 Cardiovascular System
2 Pulmonary System
3 Gastroenterology System
4 Musculoskeletal System
5 Endocrine System
6 Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat System
7 Neurologic System
8 Reproductive System
9 Infectious Disease
10 Psychiatry/Behavioral Science
11 Dermatologic System
12 Hematologic System
13 Genitourinary and Renal Systems
14 Pediatrics
15 Pharmacology
16 Laboratory Medicine
17 Professional Issues
18 Test-Taking Strategies
1 Adult Preventive Health Guidelines
2 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Screening Guidelines for Common Diseases
3 Cranial Nerves and Function
4 Common Signs in Medicine
5 Poisoning Antidotes
6 Normal Laboratory Values