Phlebotomy, 6th Edition
by Robin S. Warekois, MT(ASCP) and Richard Robinson, NASW
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Help students master practical phlebotomy skills with Phlebotomy: Worktext and Procedures Manual, 6th Edition! Known for its storyboard format of procedures and beautiful illustrations, this hands-on worktext describes all aspects of phlebotomy — with focused and current coverage of lab tests, equipment, safety and collection procedures, emergency situations, special populations, and point-of-care testing. Step-by-step instructions and full-color photos teach students how to perform the essential phlebotomy procedures they will use every day on the job. A detachable bookmark with color tube guide acts as a handy clinical reference. Learning features focus on clinical scenarios, practice tips, and error prevention, further emphasizing application and practice. This edition includes new and expanded content on infection control and prevention, revised testing protocols, and certification exam review.
- NEW! Content highlights protocols for enhanced infection control and prevention in light of COVID-19 and other emerging pathogens.
- NEW! Content addresses revised testing protocols, such as for tuberculosis.
- EXPANDED! Certification review questions and practice tests promote enhanced exam readiness.
- Step-by-step illustrated procedures cover essential phlebotomy competencies and techniques.
- Right-sized coverage addresses the full spectrum of phlebotomy practice.
- Competency checklists facilitate self-, peer, and instructor evaluation on clinical procedures progress.
- Clinical scenarios and tips focus on application and real-world workplace challenges and solutions.
- Exam preparation questions in each chapter help with classroom and board test review.
- Mock certification exam features close to 200 multiple-choice questions.
- Anatomy and physiology section provides highly illustrated and in-depth information on body systems.
- Removable bookmark offers handy clinical reference to tube color-coding.
- OSHA icons in procedures highlight safe and effective practice.
- Key terms and abbreviations are listed at the beginning of each chapter, highlighted in text, and defined in a back-of-book glossary for quick reference.
- Evolve resources provide time-saving educator tools and student videos and test preparation.
UNIT 1 Introduction to Phlebotomy
1 Introduction to Phlebotomy
2 Healthcare Structure
3 Safety
4 Infection Control
UNIT 2 Phlebotomy Basics
5 Medical Terminology
6 Human Anatomy and Physiology
7 Circulatory, Lymphatic, and Immune Systems
UNIT 3 Specimen Collection
8 Venipuncture Equipment
9 Routine Venipuncture
10 Capillary Collection
11 Preanalytic Variables and Venipuncture Complications
12 Blood Collection in Special Populations
13 Arterial Blood Collection
14 Special Collections and Procedures
15 Special Nonblood Collection Procedures
UNIT 4 Specimen Handling
16 Specimen Handling, Transport, and Processing
17 Point-of-Care Testing
UNIT 5 Professional Issues
18 Quality Phlebotomy
19 Legal Issues in Phlebotomy
A Metric System Measurements
B Common English-Spanish Phrases for Phlebotomy
C Competency Checklists
D Common Abbreviations
E Mock Certification Examination
F Answers to Chapter Questions and Mock Certification Examination
Robin S. Warekois, MT(ASCP), Senior Medical Technologist Customer Service Lab Corp of America Tampa, Florida UNITED STATES and Richard Robinson, NASW, Scientific and Technical Writer Sherborn, Massachusetts UNITED STATES