Evolve Resources for Patient Transport:Principles and Practice, 6th Edition
by Air & Surface Transport Nurses Associati, Allen Wolfe, MSN, CNS, APRN, CFRN, CCRN, CTRN, TCRN, CMTE, FAASTN, Michael Frakes, APRN, FCCM, FAEN, FAASTN, FACHE and Danny Nayman, MBA, NRP, FP-C, CCP-C, CMTE
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Educator Resources on Evolve - Online testing simulation with 350 questions mapped to the blueprint of the CFRN® and CTRN® exams
Student Resources on Evolve - Online testing simulation with 350 questions mapped to the blueprint of the CFRN® and CTRN® exams
- NEW! New Aviation for Medical Personnel chapter is written from the perspective of a veteran transport pilot, and provides valuable information on the idiosyncrasies, tips, and tricks about transport aircraft transport.
- NEW! Updated and new content on diversity and inclusion covers this timely issue — both among colleagues and patients.
- NEW! Additional information on technology used in transport nursing/critical care includes topics such as point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS).
- NEW! Content on COVID-19 as it relates to trauma transport is included.
- NEW! More philosophical, psychological, and wellness-associated content is added.
Section I: History and the Current Role of Air and Ground Transport Personnel
1. History of Patient Transport
2. Members of the Transport Team and Preparation for Practice
3. Aviation for Medical Personnel NEW!
4. Military Patient Transport
Section II: General Principles of Practice
5. Transport Physiology
6. Scene Operations and Safety
7. Communications
8. Teamwork and Human Performance
9. Patient Safety
10. Operational Safety and Survival
Section III: Patient Care Principles
11. Patient Assessment
12. Airway Management
13. Mechanical Ventilation
14. Shock
Section IV: Trauma
15. General Principles of Trauma Management
16. Neurologic Trauma
17. Thoracoabdominal Trauma
18. Musculoskeletal and Soft Tissue Trauma
19. Burn Trauma
20. Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
Section V: Professional Issues
21. Legal and Professional Issues in Critical Care Transport
22. Quality
23. Accreditation for Air and Ground Medical Transport
24. Mental Health and Wellness for the Provider
Post-Accident Resource Document
Air & Surface Transport Nurses Associati, Allen Wolfe, MSN, CNS, APRN, CFRN, CCRN, CTRN, TCRN, CMTE, FAASTN, Senior Director of Education, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Life Link III, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Michael Frakes, APRN, FCCM, FAEN, FAASTN, FACHE, Chief Quality Officer and Director of Clinical Care, Boston MedFlight, Bedford, Massachusetts, USA and Danny Nayman, MBA, NRP, FP-C, CCP-C, CMTE, Vice President, Board of Directors, International College of Advanced Practice Paramedics, Washington, DC; Paramedic, Life Flight Duke University Hospital System, Durham, North Carolina; Product Manager, Patient Care, ZOLL Data Systems, Broomfield, Colorado, USA
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