Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Deformation, 5th Edition
by John M. Graham, Jr., MD, ScD and Pedro A. Sanchez-Lara, MD. MSCE
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- Examines the initial clinical approach to suspected deformation problems, and then walks you through pathogenesis, diagnostic features, management, prognosis, and counseling for each condition.
- Addresses a full range of lower extremity deformations; joint dislocations; nerve palsies; chest and spinal deformations; head and neck deformations; craniosynostosis and cranial bone variations; problems associated with abnormal birth presentation, birth palsies, and procedure-related defects; infant head shape variations; and torticollis.
- Includes new chapters on early embryonic disruption and fetal disruption, new Key Points boxes throughout, new insights and references in every chapter, and a new video on the physical examination of a patient with a congenital radial nerve palsy.
- Distinguishes deformations from malformations for appropriate management.
- Utilizes four consistent sections in every chapter—Genesis, Features, Management and Prognosis, and Differential Diagnosis—to provide concise yet comprehensive information on 50 common pediatric conditions.
- Provides evidence-based management recommendations on common fetal complications such as oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia, and uterine structural abnormalities, and discusses current management techniques for each.
- Offers essential information to a range of professionals, including neonatologists, pediatricians, family practitioners, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, rehabilitative specialists, pediatric nurse practitioners, and residents in all fields.
- An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
SECTION I Introduction
CHAPTER 1 Clinical Approach to Deformation Problems: Malformations, Deformations, Disruptions, and Dysplasias
SECTION II Patterns of Deformation
CHAPTER 2 Foot Deformations: Foot Contractures and Positional Foot Abnormalities
CHAPTER 3 Calcaneovalgus Feet
CHAPTER 4 Metatarsus Adductus (Metatarsus Varus)
CHAPTER 5 Talipes Equinovarus (Clubfoot)
CHAPTER 6 Deformed Toes
CHAPTER 7 Flexible Flatfoot
SECTION III Other Lower Extremity Deformations
CHAPTER 8 Tibial Torsion
CHAPTER 9 Femoral Anteversion
SECTION IV Joint Dislocations
CHAPTER 11 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (Congenital Dislocation of the Hip)
CHAPTER 12 Knee Dislocation (Genu Recurvatum)
CHAPTER 13 Dislocation of the Radial Head
SECTION V Neurapraxias (Palsies)
CHAPTER 14 Facial Palsy
CHAPTER 15 Brachial Plexus Palsy: ERB Palsy, Klumpke Palsy, Obstetric Palsy, and Birth-Related Brachial Plexus Palsy
CHAPTER 16 Diaphragmatic Paralysis: Diaphragmatic Eventration
CHAPTER 17 Other Peripheral Nerve Palsies
SECTION VI Thoracic Cage and Spinal Deformations
CHAPTER 18 Lung Hypoplasia and Pediatric Thoracic Insufficiency
CHAPTER 19 Pectus Excavatum and Pectus Carinatum
CHAPTER 20 Scoliosis
SECTION VII Head and Neck Deformations
CHAPTER 21 Nasal Deformation
CHAPTER 22 External Ears
CHAPTER 23 Mandibular Deformation
CHAPTER 24 Congenital Muscular Torticollis
CHAPTER 25 Plagiocephaly
CHAPTER 26 Infant Sleeping Position and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
CHAPTER 27 Positional Brachycephaly
CHAPTER 28 Other Postnatal Head Deformations
SECTION VIII Craniosynostosis
CHAPTER 29 Craniosynostosis: General
CHAPTER 30 Sagittal Craniosynostosis
CHAPTER 31 Coronal Craniosynostosis
CHAPTER 32 Metopic Craniosynostosis
CHAPTER 33 Lambdoidal Craniosynostosis
CHAPTER 34 Multiple Sutural Craniosynostosis
SECTION IX Cranial Bone Variations
CHAPTER 35 Vertex Birth Molding
CHAPTER 36 Vertex Craniotabes
CHAPTER 37 Anterior Fontanel Bone
CHAPTER 38 Parietal Foramina
CHAPTER 39 Aplasia Cutis Congenita: Scalp Vertex Cutis Aplasia, Temporal Triangular Alopecia
CHAPTER 40 Cephalohematoma
CHAPTER 41 Wormian Bones
SECTION X Abnormal Birth Presentation
CHAPTER 42 Breech Presentation Deformation
CHAPTER 43 Transverse Lie Deformation
CHAPTER 44 Face and Brow Presentation Deformation
SECTION XI Whole-Body Deformation or Disruption
CHAPTER 45 Small Uterine Cavity Deformation: Bicornuate or Myomatous Uterus
CHAPTER 46 Oligohydramnios Sequence
CHAPTER 47 Fetal Akinesia Deformation Sequence
CHAPTER 48 Abdominal Pregnancy (Extrauterine Pregnancy)
CHAPTER 49 Early Embryonic Compression or Disruption: Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy, Early Amnion Rupture, Limb-Body Wall Complex, and Body Stalk Anomaly
CHAPTER 50 First-Trimester Vascular Disruption
CHAPTER 51 Fetal Disruption
SECTION XII Mechanics in Morphogenesis
CHAPTER 52 Principles of Human Biomechanics
John M. Graham, Jr., MD, ScD, Director, Clinical Genetics and Dysmorphology,Director, Dysmorphology Program, Professor, Pediatrics, Cedars-Sinai and Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and Pedro A. Sanchez-Lara, MD. MSCE, Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Pathology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California; Medical Director of Molecular Cytogenomics & Craniofacial Genetics, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; Research Instructor, Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California