cover image - Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780443115141
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 11-01-2024
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $159.99

Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging, 1st Edition

by Mario J. Garcia, MD


cover image - Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780443115141
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 11-01-2024
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $159.99
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    • Offers a focused and concise overview of multimodal cardiac imaging for clinical assessment and treatment.
    • Covers all relevant types of cardiac imaging, including echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance, cardiac CT, and nuclear cardiology.
    • Contains sections on imaging in heart failure, imaging in EP, imaging in acute settings, and more.
    • Features over 350 images and videos showcasing the benefits of different modalities.
    • Provides practical information in every chapter: diagrams to illustrate the step-wise application of different noninvasive imaging modalities to establish the diagnosis and guide therapy; figures and illustrations to aid in the performance of imaging tests and interpretation of findings; a summary of the most relevant and updated information and references; a discussion of controversies; and clinical cases.
    • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
  • 1 Physical Principles, Instrumentation, and
    2 The Chest Radiograph
    3 Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and
    4 Evaluation of Symptoms and Syndromes
    5 Evaluation of Cardiac Function
    6 Coronary Artery Disease
    7 Valvular Heart Disease
    8 Cardiomyopathies
    9 Cardio-Oncology, Masses, and Tumors
    10 Pericardial Disease
    11 Disorders of the Cardiac Rhythm
    12 Congenital Heart Disease,
    13 Vascular Disease,
    14 Mechanical Support Devices
    15 Incidental Extracardiac Findings
    16 Selected Multimodality Cases

  • Mario J. Garcia, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine, Pauline Levitt Chair in Medicine, Chief, Department of Medicine Division of Cardiology, Co-Director, Montefiore Einstein Center for Heart and Vascular Care, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York
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