Evolve Resources for Introduction to Radiologic Technology, 9th Edition
by William J. Callaway, MA, RT(R)
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Educator Resources on Evolve - Test bank with more than 450 items
- Image collection
- PowerPoint® lecture slides
Student Resources on Evolve - Image collection
- 235 chapter review questions
- Answers to review questions
- NEW! Expanded information on radiologic specialties, what to expect during clinical education, expectations of new radiographers, and more.
- NEW! Updated coverage of key topics, including patient consent, medical terminology, patient care considerations, radiation safety, imaging equipment, and image acquisition.
Part I: Becoming a Radiologic Technologist
1. Radiography Education: From Classroom to Clinic
2. Becoming an Outstanding Student
3. Evolution of Health Care Delivery
4. Radiology: A Historic Perspective
Part II: Practicing the Profession
5. Orientation to Patient Care
6. Providing Quality Patient Service
7. The Language of Medicine
8. The Technology of Medical Imaging
9. Radiographic Examinations: Diagnosing Disease and Injury
10. Radiation Safety and Protective Measures
11. Ethics, Professionalism, and Law in Radiologic Technology
12. Radiology Department: Organization and Operation
13. Health Professions
Part III: Growing with the Profession
14. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
15. Professional Associations
16. Clinical Specialization and Career Advancement
William J. Callaway, MA, RT(R), Radiography Educator, Author, Speaker
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