Edelman and Kudzma's Canadian Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 2nd Edition
by Marian Luctkar-Flude, RN, PhD, CCSNE, FCNEI, Jane Tyerman, RN, BA, BScN, MScN, PhD and Shannon Dames, RN, MPH, EdD
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Teach your students the knowledge and skills they need to promote health and prevent disease in Canada! Edelman and Kudzma's Canadian Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, Second Edition describes public health concepts from a Canadian perspective, helping health professionals improve community health and reduce health inequities within a diverse population. Covering the needs of each age and stage of life, this book discusses care of the individual, family, and community — all based on the latest research and trends in Canadian health promotion. New chapters address the timely topics of Indigenous health and 2SLGTBQI+ health. Setting a standard for excellence in Canadian nursing education, this book is the only Canadian nursing health promotion text on the market.
- NEW Indigenous Health and 2SLGTBQI+ Health chapters provide greater coverage of the health challenges and health promotion initiatives relating to these populations
- NEW! Coverage of global and environmental health includes global trends in health promotion, the rise of communicable diseases such as cholera and COVID-19, climate disasters, malnutrition, violence and crime, cultural competency, future health outcomes, and more
- NEW! Additional case studies are tied to chapter learning objectives, with questions to encourage critical thinking
- NEW! Examination review questions in multiple-choice format are included at the end of chapters to strengthen clinical judgement and help prepare students for licensure exams
- NEW! Canadian statistics, research, references, resources, and more are updated for this edition
- NEW! TEACH Lesson Plans for Canadian Nursing are included on the Evolve website, helping instructors prepare students for their licensure exams
- NEW! Book-aligned case studies for the Next Generation NCLEX® Exam are included on Evolve to aid students in preparing for their licensure exams
- Comprehensive, easy-to-read Canadian coverage incorporates Canadian statistics, research, guidelines, assessment and screening tools, references and resources, and more
- Canadian author team provides a Canadian lens on all topics spanning health promotion and disease prevention
- Emphasis on health promotion and social justice on a societal level weaves in the social determinants of health including the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Population Health Approach model, the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, the WHO’s Alma-Ata Declaration, human rights, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action
- Canadian cultural considerations are incorporated throughout the text as they relate to race/ethnicity, Indigenous peoples, identity, 2SLGBTQI+ community, family composition, and other areas
- Innovative Practice boxes highlight projects, programs, and research studies that show new ways to implement health promotion
- Diversity Awareness boxes offer cultural perspectives on various aspects of health promotion, and include reflection questions asking students to think about their own personal cultural values
- Quality and Safety Scenario boxes reflect Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) standards and present situations pertinent to health promotion
- Care plans accompany the case studies, providing nursing diagnoses, defining characteristics, related factors, expected outcomes, and interventions
- Research for Evidence-Informed Practice boxes provide brief synopses of health-promotion research studies that demonstrate the links between research, theory, and practice
UNIT 1: Foundations for Health Promotion
1. Health Defined: Health Promotion, Prevention, and Protection
2. Diverse Populations and Health
3. 2SLGBTQI+ Health
4. Indigenous Health
5. Health Policy and the Delivery System
6. The Therapeutic Relationship
7. Ethical Issues Related to Health Promotion
UNIT 2: Assessment for Health Promotion
8. Health Promotion and the Individual
9. Health Promotion and the Family
10. Health Promotion and the Community
UNIT 3: Application of Health Promotion
11. Overview of Growth and Development Framework
12. The Prenatal Period
13. Infant
14. Toddler
15. Preschool Child
16. School-Aged Child
17. Adolescent
18. Young Adult
19. Middle-Aged Adult
20. Older Persons
UNIT 4: Interventions for Health Promotion
21. Screening
22. Health Education
23. Nutrition and Health Promotion
24. Exercise
25. Stress Management
26. Complementary, Integrative, and Alternative Health Modalities
27. Health Promotion for the Twenty-First Century: Throughout the Life Span and Throughout the World
Marian Luctkar-Flude, RN, PhD, CCSNE, FCNEI, Associate Professor, Reznick Scholar, Health Professions Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen's University School of Nursing Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Jane Tyerman, RN, BA, BScN, MScN, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON., Canada and Shannon Dames, RN, MPH, EdD, Professor, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Hath Professional Investigator for the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research/Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation, Director of Research and Development for Roots to Thrive, Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada