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cover image - Diagnostic Pathology: Hospital Autopsy,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780443235023
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 05-06-2024
Page Count: 464
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $262.99

Diagnostic Pathology: Hospital Autopsy, 2nd Edition

by Dylan V. Miller, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MD


cover image - Diagnostic Pathology: Hospital Autopsy,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780443235023
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 05-06-2024
Page Count: 464
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $262.99
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    • Features complete coverage of every aspect of autopsy practice―including clinical presentation with chart review, technical and diagnostic aspects of autopsy performance, and reporting
    • Presents classic autopsy techniques while also emphasizing the role of molecular studies and other laboratory and ancillary tests not commonly thought of during autopsy practice
    • Contains new chapters on emerging pathogens and medical entities (deaths from COVID-19 or vaccine complications, multisystem inflammatory disorders in children, adenoviral hepatitis in children, and more), toxicity/pathology associated with new drug therapies (CAR-T, mRNA vaccine-related immune events, etc.), and new cardiac and other medical devices
    • Features new or updated content on morgue/autopsy suite maintenance, enhanced biosafety techniques, the role of the autopsy practitioner in a pandemic setting, and more
    • Provides important clinical and diagnostic information through more than 1,100 clinical and gross pathology photographs, histologic images, full-color illustrations, and radiologic images
    • Includes case presentations highlighting important aspects of reporting that impact clinicians as well as next of kin
    • Focuses on pathologists in hospital settings, but also provides value to forensic pathologists, private practice pathologists, and others involved in death investigation, such as coroners, medical examiners, law enforcement, and pathology residents
    • Employs consistently templated chapters, bulleted content, key facts, a variety of tables, annotated images, pertinent references, and an extensive index for quick, expert reference
    • Includes an eBook version that enables you to access all text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.

    4 History of Autopsy
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA
    8 Autopsy Safety
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD


    12 Medical Intervention
    Brandon T. Larsen, MD, PhD
    16 Postmortem Changes and External Examination
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD

    20 Body Cavities
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA
    26 Cardiovascular System
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    30 Respiratory System
    Leslie A. Litzky, MD
    34 Hematopoietic System
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA
    40 Gastrointestinal System
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA
    48 Hepatobiliary System
    Rachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO
    54 Genitourinary System
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA
    60 Endocrine System
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD
    66 Central Nervous System
    Hasini Reddy, MD, DPhil and David S. Priemer, MD
    72 Peripheral Nervous System
    Roy H. Rhodes, MD, PhD
    76 Integumentary System
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    80 Oral Cavity
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD
    84 Medical Devices
    Brandon T. Larsen, MD, PhD

    88 Chemistry
    Rachel Hudacko, MD
    90 Microbiology
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA
    94 Cytology
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA
    100 Postmortem Radiography and Virtual Autopsy
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD

    106 Postmortem Histology
    Alex K. Williamson, MD


    110 Autopsy Consent and Reporting
    Dylan V. Miller, MD

    112 Death Certification
    Alex K. Williamson, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MD
    116 Autopsy Report
    Corinne L. Fligner, MD and Dylan V. Miller, MD
    118 Presenting Autopsy Findings
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA



    122 Pulmonary Thromboembolism
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD
    128 Acute Myocardial Infarction
    Vidhya Nair, MD and Dylan V. Miller, MD
    132 Cardiomyopathy
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    136 Myocarditis
    Monica P. Revelo, MD, PhD and Dylan V. Miller, MD
    142 Cardiac Conduction System
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    148 Aortic Dissection
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD
    154 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD

    160 Pulmonary Edema
    Leslie A. Litzky, MD
    164 Pulmonary Hemorrhage
    Leslie A. Litzky, MD
    168 Tension Pneumothorax
    Leslie A. Litzky, MD

    172 Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA
    178 Lower Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
    Rachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO
    182 Intestinal Ischemia
    Rachel Hudacko, MD
    186 Hepatic Hemorrhage
    Rachel Hudacko, MD
    190 Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis
    Rachel Hudacko, MD
    194 Acute Liver Failure
    Rachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO

    198 Pregnancy Complications
    Corinne L. Fligner, MD and Billie S. Fyfe, MD
    204 Acute Renal Failure
    Monica P. Revelo, MD, PhD and Paisit Paueksakon, MD

    214 Adrenal Insufficiency
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    218 Adrenocortical Excess
    Patrick Lento, MD

    222 Seizure Disorders
    Hasini Reddy, MD, DPhil and David S. Priemer, MD
    226 Subdural Hemorrhage
    Roy H. Rhodes, MD, PhD and David S. Priemer, MD
    230 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
    Roy H. Rhodes, MD, PhD and David S. Priemer, MD
    234 Stroke
    Hasini Reddy, MD, DPhil and David S. Priemer, MD


    240 Therapeutic Complications
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD

    244 Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    248 Overview of Coronary Artery Stents
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    252 Valve Replacement (Including Transcatheter)
    Brandon T. Larsen, MD, PhD
    258 Ventricular Assist Devices
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    264 Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Repair
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD and George P. Batsides, MD

    270 Pancreas Resection
    Rachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO
    274 Gastrectomy and Esophagectomy
    Rachel Hudacko, MD
    278 Bariatric Surgery
    Rachel Hudacko, MD
    282 Central Nervous System Tumors
    Roy H. Rhodes, MD, PhD and David S. Priemer, MD
    288 Cerebral Aneurysm and Vascular Malformation
    Roy H. Rhodes, MD, PhD and David S. Priemer, MD


    296 Heart Transplant
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    302 Lung Transplant
    Leslie A. Litzky, MD
    306 Kidney Transplant
    Monica P. Revelo, MD, PhD and Paisit Paueksakon, MD
    316 Liver Transplant
    Rachel Hudacko, MD and Patrick Lento, MD
    322 Pancreas Transplant
    Monica P. Revelo, MD, PhD and Billie S. Fyfe, MD
    328 Bone Marrow Transplant
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    332 Deceased Donor Autopsy
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD


    334 HIV/AIDS
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA
    340 Shock and Sepsis
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD and Christine Minerowicz, MD

    346 Bronchopneumonia
    Leslie A. Litzky, MD
    350 Infective Endocarditis
    Dylan V. Miller, MD
    354 Clostridioides difficile Enterocolitis
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD
    358 Viral Hepatitis
    Rachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO
    362 Urosepsis
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA

    366 Neoplasia-Associated Death
    Billie S. Fyfe, MD
    374 Death Due to Paraneoplastic Effect
    Harold Sanchez, MD, Bethany Faust, MD, and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA


    378 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
    Harold Sanchez, MD and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA
    382 Ventilator-Dependent Respiratory Failure
    Leslie A. Litzky, MD
    386 Chronic Liver Failure
    Rachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO
    392 Chronic Kidney Dis
  • Dylan V. Miller, MD, Dylan V. Miller, MD Professor (Clinical) Department of Pathology University of Utah School of Medicine Director of Electron Microscopy and Immunostains Intermountain Central Laboratory Salt Lake City, Utah and Billie S. Fyfe, MD, Professor of Pathology, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.