cover image - ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding: Theory and Practice, 2025/2026 Edition-Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780443261046
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 08-26-2024
Page Count: 720
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $87.99

ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding: Theory and Practice, 2025/2026 Edition-Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 1st Edition

by Elsevier Inc

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding: Theory and Practice, 2025/2026 Edition-Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780443261046
Copyright: 2025
Publication Date: 08-26-2024
Page Count: 720
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $87.99
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Help students learn facility-based coding by actually working with codes. ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding: Theory and Practice provides an in-depth understanding of inpatient diagnosis and procedure coding to those who are just learning to code, as well as to experienced professionals who need to solidify and expand their knowledge. Featuring basic coding principles, clear examples, and challenging exercises, this text helps explain why coding is necessary for reimbursement, the basics of the health record, and rules, guidelines, and functions of ICD-10-CM/PCS coding.
    • NEW! Revisions to ICD-10 codes and coding guidelines ensure students have the most up-to-date information available.
    • 30-day access to TruCode® Encoder Essentials gives students experience with using an encoder software, plus access to additional encoder practice exercises on the Evolve website.

    • ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting provide fast, easy access to instructions on proper application of codes.
    • Coverage of both common and complex procedures prepares students for inpatient procedural coding using ICD-10-PCS.
    • Numerous and varied examples and exercises within each chapter break the material into manageable segments and help students gauge learning while reinforcing important concepts.
    • Illustrations and examples of key diseases help in understanding how commonly encountered conditions relate to ICD-10-CM coding.
    • Strong coverage of medical records provides a context for coding and familiarizes students with documents they will encounter on the job.
    • Illustrated, full-color design emphasizes important content such as anatomy and physiology and visually reinforces key concepts.
    • Evolve website offers students online access to additional practice exercises, coding guidelines, answer keys, coding updates, and more.
  • 1 The Rationale for and History of Coding
    2 The Health Record as the Foundation of Coding
    3 ICD-10-CM Format and Conventions
    4 Basic Steps of Coding
    5 General Coding Guidelines for Diagnosis
    6 Introduction to ICD-10-PCS
    7 General Coding Guidelines for Other Medical- and Surgical-Related Procedures and Ancillary Procedures
    8 Coding Medical and Surgical Procedures
    9 Symptoms, Signs, and Abnormal Clinical and Laboratory Findings Not Elsewhere Classifi ed, and Z Codes (ICD-10-CM Chapters 18 and 21, Codes R00-R99, Z00-Z99)
    10 Certain Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (ICD-10-CM Chapters 1 and 22, Codes A00-B99, U07.1, U09.9)
    11 Neoplasms (ICD-10-CM Chapter 2, Codes C00-D49)
    12 Diseases of the Blood and Blood-Forming Organs and Certain Disorders Involving the Immune Mechanism (ICD-10-CM Chapter 3, Codes D50-D89)
    13 Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic Diseases (ICD-10-CM Chapter 4, Codes E00-E89)
    14 Mental, Behavioral, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ICD-10-CM Chapter 5, Codes F01-F99)
    15 Diseases of the Nervous System, Diseases of the Eye and Adnexa, and Diseases of the Ear and Mastoid Process (ICD-10-CM Chapter 6, Codes G00-G99, Chapter 7, Codes H00-H59, and Chapter 8, Codes H60-H95)
    16 Diseases of the Circulatory System (ICD-10-CM Chapter 9, Codes I00-I99)
    17 Diseases of the Respiratory System (ICD-10-CM Chapters 10 and 22, Codes J00-J99, U07.0)
    18 Diseases of the Digestive System (ICD-10-CM Chapter 11, Codes K00-K95)
    19 Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue (ICD-10-CM Chapter 12, Codes L00-L99)
    20 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue (ICD-10-CM Chapter 13, Codes M00-M99)
    21 Diseases of the Genitourinary System (ICD-10-CM Chapter 14, Codes N00-N99)
    22 Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium (ICD-10-CM Chapter 15, Codes O00-O9A)
    23 Certain Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period, and Congenital Malformations, Deformations, and Chromosomal Abnormalities (ICD-10-CM Chapter 16, Codes P00-P96 and Chapter 17, Codes Q00-Q99)
    24 Injury and Certain Other Consequences of External Causes and External Causes of Morbidity (ICD-10-CM Chapter 19, Codes S00-T88 and Chapter 20, Codes V00-Y99)
    25 Burns, Adverse Effects, and Poisonings (ICD-10-CM Chapters 19 and 20, Codes S00-Y99)
    26 Complications of Surgical and Medical Care
    Illustration Credits
  • Elsevier Inc
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.