cover image - Study Guide for Leifer's Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 10th Edition
ISBN: 9780443261589
Copyright: 2026
Publication Date: 02-15-2025
Page Count: 352
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $44.99

Study Guide for Leifer's Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 10th Edition

by Kim Cooper, MSN, RN and Kelly Gosnell, MSN, RN

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Study Guide for Leifer's Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 10th Edition
ISBN: 9780443261589
Copyright: 2026
Publication Date: 02-15-2025
Page Count: 352
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $44.99
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Reinforce student understanding of maternity and pediatric nursing with this practical study guide! With chapters corresponding to Leifer’s Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, Tenth Edition, this workbook provides a variety of exercises and activities to help students review concepts and apply them to patient care. Case studies include questions for the Next-Generation NCLEX® exam, allowing students to practice critical thinking and develop skills in clinical judgment. Updated with questions on new methods and treatment, this study guide helps LPN/LVN students prepare for success on licensure examinations and in nursing practice.
    • Updated exercises correspond with the textbook’s new content on methods and treatment for the care of women, families, newborns, and children
    • Case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® exam include exercises with questions to help students develop skills in clinical judgment and prepare for the licensure examination
    • Thinking Critically activities require students to apply what they’ve learned in the textbook to new situations or to draw conclusions based on that knowledge
    • Applying Knowledge activities provide additional opportunities to apply learned information to clinical care
    • Review questions cover information from the textbook by chapter, with appropriate nursing actions, what to expect in terms of medical orders or patient care, and potential complications
    • Variety of exercises includes matching, multiple-choice, vocabulary building, short answer, and select-all-that-apply questions to reinforce student understanding of basic concepts and factual knowledge
    1. The Past, Present, and Future
    2. The Nurse’s Role in Women’s Health Care

    3. Human Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
    4. Fetal Development
    5. Prenatal Care and Adaptations to Pregnancy
    6. Nursing Care of Women with Complications During Pregnancy
    7. Nursing Care of Mother and Infant During Labor and Birth
    8. Nursing Management of Pain During Labor and Birth
    9. Nursing Care of Women with Complications During Labor and Birth
    10. The Family After Birth
    11. Nursing Care of Women with Complications After Birth
    12. The Term Newborn
    13. Preterm and Postterm Newborns
    14. The Newborn with a Perinatal Injury or Congenital Malformation

    15. An Overview of Growth, Development, and Nutrition
    16. The Infant
    17. The Toddler
    18. The Preschool Child
    19. The School-Age Child
    20. The Adolescent

    21. The Child’s Experience of Hospitalization and Illness
    22. Health Care Adaptations for the Child and Family
    23. Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Maternity and Pediatric Nursing

    24. The Child with a Sensory or Neurological Condition
    25. The Child with a Musculoskeletal Condition
    26. The Child with a Respiratory Disorder
    27. The Child with a Cardiovascular Disorder
    28. The Child with a Condition of the Blood, Blood-Forming Organs, or Lymphatic System
    29. The Child with a Gastrointestinal Condition
    30. The Child with a Genitourinary Condition
    31. The Child with a Skin Condition
    32. The Child with a Metabolic Condition
    33. The Child with a Communicable Disease and Immune Response
    34. The Child with an Emotional or Behavioral Condition
  • Kim Cooper, MSN, RN, Dean and Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Ivy Tech Community College, Terre Haute, Indiana and Kelly Gosnell, MSN, RN, Department Chair and Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Ivy Tech Community College, Terre Haute, Indiana
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.