Clinical Skills: Essentials Collection - Next Generation, 1st Edition
Clinical Skills Online

Standardize the way you teach and evaluate skill performance across your entire nursing curriculum! Clinical Skills from Elsevier is a skills education series designed to help students of all learning styles truly master important nursing skills outside of the clinical environment. Whether used in the classroom or at home, each collection in the Clinical Skills series offers a consistent, 360-degree look at a variety of nursing skills to ensure your students have a solid understanding of all the important nursing skills and how to perform them safely and effectively.
Clinical Skills: Essentials Collection covers more than 165 of the most important nursing skills within fundamentals and health assessment. Each skill in this collection features a consistent, seven-part framework to guide students through all aspects of the skill. From high-definition videos that demonstrate each step of the skill to an interactive supply list that visually familiarizes students with related equipment, your students will walk away with a firm understanding of how to properly perform each skill before they ever step foot in the clinical environment. Best of all, this remarkable training product includes competency checklists and interactive quizzes for each skill to help you easily keep tabs on your students’ progress.
- Convenient web-based program uses the same professional format that practicing nurses use to train.
- Consistent, competency-based format for learning skills gives your nursing program a standardized way to teach, perform, and evaluate skills across the curriculum. Most skills feature the same types of skill learning tools to help students obtain a more holistic understanding of the skill and the standard QSEN nursing competencies.
- Quick sheet provides a concise, step-by-step summary of the skill.
- Extended text gives students a 360-degree look at all aspects of the skill. Subjects addressed in the extended text section include:
- Safety alerts
- Supplies
- Patient and family education
- Procedures
- Delegation opportunities
- Monitoring and care
- Expected and unexpected outcomes
- Documentation guidelines
- Special gerontologic, pediatric, and home care considerations
- Evidence-based references
- Additional reading suggestions
- Interactive visual supply list features roll-over labeling to familiarize students with each piece of equipment needed to perform the skill.
- Demonstration videos and animations visually guide students through every necessary step involved in the skill.
- Images and illustrations highlight crucial procedures, equipment, and documents involved in the skill.
- Review questions and competency tests with rationales help students review and evaluate their understanding of the skill.
- Printable evaluation checklists enable students and faculty to measure and track various skill competencies.
- Up-to-date, evidence-based content is reviewed and revised annually by clinical skills experts to reflect changes in practice as they arise.
Active Listening: Connecting with Others
Adding Items to a Sterile Field
Administering a Cleansing Enema
Administering Ear Medications
Administering Eye Medications
Administering Intradermal Injections
Administering Intramuscular Injections
Administering IV Medications by Mini-Infusion Pump
Administering IV Medications by Piggyback
Administering Medications by Intravenous Bolus
Administering Nebulized Medications
Administering Oral Medications
Administering Parenteral Nutrition Through a Central Line (CPN)
Administering PPN with Lipid Infusion
Administering Subcutaneous Injections
Applying External Male Catheters
Applying a Nasal Cannula or Face Mask
Applying an Estrogen Patch and Nitroglycerin Ointment
Applying Compression Stockings
Applying Restraints
Applying Topical Medications
Assessing Apical Pulse
Assessing Apical-Radial Pulse
Assessing Pain
Assessing Radial Pulse
Assessing Respiration: Rate, Rhythm, and Effort
Assessing the Abdomen
Assessing the Breasts and Axillae
Assessing the Ears
Assessing the Eyes
Assessing the Female Genitalia and Rectum
Assessing the Head, Neck and Lymphatics
Assessing the Heart and Neck Vessels
Assessing the Male Genitourinary, Rectum, and Prostate
Assessing the Musculoskeletal System
Assessing the Neurologic System: Mental Status and Cranial Nerves
Assessing the Neurologic System: Motor and Sensory Functions
Assessing the Nose, Mouth and Throat
Assessing the Peripheral Vascular System
Assessing the Skin, Hair and Nails
Assessing the Thorax and Lungs
Assessing Wounds
Assessment for Postpartum Depression
Assisting with a Bedpan
Assisting with a Gown Change
Assisting with a Tub Bath or Shower
Assisting with a Urinal
Assisting with Ambulation Using a Gait Belt
Assisting with Cast Application
Assisting with Meals
Assisting with Moving a Patient in Bed
Assisting with Positioning a Patient in Bed
Assisting with the Use of Canes, Walkers, and Crutches
Care of a Patient with an Immobilization Device
Care of the Patient During Cast Removal
Caring for a Suprapubic Catheter
Caring for Pressure Injuries
Change of Shift: Hand-Off
Changing a Dressing
Changing Intravenous Dressings
Changing Intravenous Tubing and Fluids
Cleaning Dentures
Collecting a Midstream Urine Specimen
Collecting a Specimen for Wound Culture
Collecting a Sputum Specimen
Communicating Effectively on the Job
Dealing with Conflict
Discontinuing Intravenous Therapy
Disposable Bed Bath
Documenting Medication Administration
Drawing Blood and Administering Fluid
Drawing Up More than One Type of Insulin
Dressing the Infusion Site
Empathy: The Foundation of Caring
Enhancing Your Promotability
Ensuring Oxygen Safety
Ensuring the Six Rights of Medication Administration
Establishing and Maintaining a Sterile Field
Fecal Occult Blood Testing
Handling Medication Variations
Head-to-Toe Assessment
Health Assessment Considerations for the Gender-Diverse Patient
Initiating a Transfusion
Inserting a Nasogastric Tube
Inserting Rectal Medication
Inserting an Indwelling Urinary Catheter in a Female Patient
Inserting an Indwelling Urinary Catheter in a Male Patient
Interview Skills
Obtaining Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Readings from a Patient with an External Ventricular Drain (EVD)
Irrigating a Urinary Catheter
Irrigating Wounds
Maintaining an Airway
Making a Surgical Bed
Making an Occupied Bed
Making an Unoccupied Bed
Managing a Nasogastric Tube
Managing Pain
Measuring Height and Weight
Measuring Intake and Output
Measuring Oxygen Saturation with Pulse Oximetry
Midline Catheter: Maintenance and Dressing Change
Midline Catheter: Removal
Monitoring for Adverse Reactions to a Transfusion
Nursing Process: Assessment
Nursing Process: Diagnosis
Nursing Process: Evaluation
Nursing Process: Implementation
Nursing Process: Planning
Obtaining a Specimen from an Indwelling Urinary Catheter
Obtaining Blood Pressure by the One-Step Method
Obtaining Blood Pressure by the Two-Step Method
Performing a Complete or Partial Bed Bath
Performing Back Massage
Performing Blood Glucose Testing
Performing Dressing Care for a Central Venous Access Device (CVAD)
Performing Gastric Occult Blood Testing
Performing Hair Care and Shampooing in Bed
Performing Hand Hygiene
Performing Intermittent Straight Catheterization
Performing Nail and Foot Care
Performing Nasotracheal and Nasopharyngeal Suctioning
Performing Oral Hygiene for an Unconscious Patient
Performing Oropharyngeal Suctioning
Performing Perineal Care for a Female Patient
Performing Perineal Care for a Male Patient
Performing Range-of-Motion Exercises
Performing Sterile Gloving
Performing Venipuncture
Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter: Removal
Pouching a Colostomy
Pouching a Urostomy
Pouring a Sterile Solution
Preoperative Assessment
Preparing a Patient for Surgery
Preparing an Infusion Site
Preparing and Administering Insulin
Preparing for a Transfusion
Preparing Injections from a Vial
Preparing Injections from an Ampule
Presenting Yourself to the Workplace
Preventing Medication Errors
Promoting Family Support and Participation
Providing Catheter Care
Providing Enteral Feedings
Providing Postoperative Care
Providing Tracheostomy Care
Regulating an Intravenous Infusion
Removing a Feeding Tube
Removing an Indwelling (Foley) Urinary Catheter
Safe Handling of Hazardous Medications
Screening Urine for Chemical Properties
Setting Oxygen Flow Rates
Shaving a Male Patient
Solving Problems and Making Decisions
Taking Aspiration Precautions
Taking Temperatures
Teaching Patient Self-Examination
Teaching Postoperative Exercises
Transferring from a Bed to a Stretcher
Transferring from a Bed to a Wheelchair Using a Transfer Belt
Troubleshooting Intravenous Infusions
Troubleshooting Vascular Access Devices
Using a Dry Powder Inhaler
Using a Hydraulic Lift
Using a Metered-Dose Inhaler
Using a Prepackaged Sterile Kit
Using a Sequential Compression Device
Using an Infusion Pump
Using Automated Medication Dispensing Systems -
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