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Evolve Resources for Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation, 5th Edition
by Kevin K Chui, PT, DPT, PhD, GCS, OCS, CEEAA, FAAOMPT, Sheng-Che Yen, PT, PhD, Daniele Piscitelli, PT, MSc, PhD, OMPT and Inga Wang, PhD, OTR/L
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Educator Resources on Evolve
- PowerPoint® slides
- Image collection
- Test bank
SECTION I: Building Baseline Knowledge
1. Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation: Multidisciplinary Approach
2. Aging and Activity Tolerance: Implications for Orthotic and Prosthetic Rehabilitation
3. Motor Control, Motor Learning, and Neural Plasticity in Orthotic and Prosthetic Rehabilitation
4. Evidence-Based Approach to Orthotic and Prosthetic Rehabilitation
5. Clinical Assessment of Gait
6. Materials and Technology
7. Footwear: Foundation for Lower Extremity Orthoses
SECTION II: Orthoses in Rehabilitation
8. Foot Orthoses
9. Principles of Lower Extremity Orthoses
10. Neurological and Neuromuscular Disease Implications for Orthotic Use
11. Orthoses for Knee Dysfunction
12. Orthoses in Orthopedic Care and Trauma
13. Orthoses for Spinal Dysfunction
14. Orthoses in the Management of Hand Dysfunction
15. Orthoses in Burn Care: Splinting, Orthotics, and Prosthetics in the Management of Burns
16. Prescription Wheelchairs: Seating and Mobility Systems
SECTION III: Prostheses in Rehabilitation
17. Etiology and Management of Amputation
18. High-Risk Foot and Wound Healing
19. Amputation Surgeries for the Lower Limb
20. Postoperative and Preprosthetic Care
21. Understanding and Selecting Prosthetic Feet
22. Postsurgical Management of Partial Foot and Syme Amputation
23. Transtibial Prosthetics
24. Transfemoral Prostheses
25. Prosthetic Options for Persons with High-Level and Bilateral Amputation
26. Early Rehabilitation in Lower Extremity Dysvascular Amputation
27. Advanced Rehabilitation for People with Microprocessor Knee Prostheses
28. Athletic Options for Persons with Limb Loss
29. Rehabilitation for Children with Limb Deficiencies
30. Prosthetic Options for Persons with Upper Extremity Amputation
31. Rehabilitation for Persons with Upper Extremity Amputation
Index -
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