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cover image - Disaster and Development: an Occupational Perspective,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780702040474
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 04-27-2015
Page Count: 296
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $46.95

Disaster and Development: an Occupational Perspective, 1st Edition

by Nancy Rushford, PhD, M.Sc.OT., OT Reg. (Ont.), M.A. and Kerry Thomas, BScOT, Grad Dip


cover image - Disaster and Development: an Occupational Perspective,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780702040474
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 04-27-2015
Page Count: 296
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $46.95
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    • Case studies based on field experiences, include: responses to droughts, earthquakes, wildfires, and more:; survivor stories of trauma and healing; landmine action and advocacy (from local to global); accessibility and CBR in disaster recovery; empowerment approaches with vulnerable groups
    • Practical considerations in promoting policy, practice and education
    • Covers current/emerging disaster risks and local-global reduction strategies, including climate change
    • Highlights processes, pitfalls and tips when entering the field
    • Global perspective with contributions from Australia, USA, Canada, Bangladesh, Argentina, UK, Hong Kong...
  • Preface Forewords About the Editors Contributors List of Abbreviations PART I DISASTER AND DEVELOPMENT 1.Disaster and Development: A Call to Action Nancy Rushford, Kerry Thomas 2. Disaster, Development and Occupational Therapy: Historical Perspectives and Possibilities Nancy Rushford, Kerry Thomas 3. Disaster Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience: An Emergent Socio-Ecological Perspective Nancy Rushford, Kerry Thomas 4 Disaster, Daily Life and Meaning Dikaios Sakellariou, Susann Baez Ullberg 5 Lost in the Mix: A Case for Inclusive and Participatory Approaches to Disaster and Development Nancy Rushford

    PART II CASE SERIES – STORIES FROM EXPERIENCE Emergency Response and Early Recovery 6 Listening to the Voices of Survivors: The Floods of 2003 in Santa Fe, Argentina Mariá De Los Milagros Demiryi, Carla Boggio, Mariana Boffelli, Daniela Chiapessoni, Mauro Demichelis, Mariá Del Carmen Heit 7 Reflections on Haiti Ruth Duggan 8 Living With the Bones Rachel Thibeault 9 Cyclone Yasi: The Experience of Queenslanders without a Home Yvonne Thomas 10 After Katrina: Stephanie’s Four-Year Struggle for Survival Emily F. Piven 11 Wildfires: Responding to Psychological and Emotional Needs of the Community Zoe Edmonds Recovery 12 Terrorism: A Survivor’s Story Sue Hanisch 13 Seeking Asylum in the UK Nick Pollard 14 Solomon’s Story Rachel Thibeault, Marie Claude Bernard, Solomon Patray 15 The Dadaab Refugee Camps and the Voices of People with a Disability Siyat Hillow Abdi, Brian Matthews 16 Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOS) In Disaster: Learning from their Experience Nazmul Bari, Broja Gopal Saha 17 Accessibility Outcomes in Disaster Recovery – A Critical Concern, a Minimum Requirement or an Afterthought? Samantha Whybrow, Catherine Bridge Development 18 Community-Based Rehabilitation in Colombia’s Armed Conflict Solángel García-Ruíz 19 Landmine Action and Advocacy: From Local to Global Rebecca Jordan 20 ‘United, We Live’: Empowering Older People through Disaster Response and Recovery Kerry Thomas 21 Drought: Slow-Onset Disaster and its Burden upon Families Jenny Biven 22 Supporting Community Recovery through Indigenous Engagement and the Natural Environment Tania Simmons, Penny Scott, Chantal Roder 23 Climate Change and Children: The Need for Innovative Responses Kerry Thomas Entering the Field 24 Medical Assistance Teams: Reflections on Emergency Response Experience Valerie Rzepka, Nathan Kelly 25 Drink a Dozen Cups of Tea: Lessons about Listening and Learning Adele Perry 26 Changing Fields of Practice: Training in the Frontier Province, Pakistan Miriam Kolker 27 Mobilizing a Therapeutic Response in a Disaster Zone, Chile 2010 Cecilia Farias Basadre 28 Reflections from Experience across the Asia-Pacific Region Kerry Thomas, With Contributions from Various Colleagues 29 Mobilizing Occupational Therapy through Policy, Planning and Education Kit Sinclair, Marilyn Pattison

    PART III AN OCCUPATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON DISASTER AND DEVELOPMENT 30 An Occupational Perspective on Disaster and Development and a Conceptual Framework Nancy Rushford, Kerry Thomas 31 Occupational Stewardship and Collaborative Engagement: A Practice Model Nancy Rushford 32 Disaster and Development: Practical Considerations in Promoting an Occupational Perspective Kerry Thomas, Nancy Rushford 33 Conclusion Index

  • Nancy Rushford, PhD, M.Sc.OT., OT Reg. (Ont.), M.A., Director of Programs and Implementation for the Alzheimer Society of Ontario, Canada and Kerry Thomas, BScOT, Grad Dip, Director, interPART (International Partners in Action, Research & Training), South Australia, Australia.
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