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cover image - Maxillofacial Surgery,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780702060564
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 02-02-2017
Page Count: 1698
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $490.00

Maxillofacial Surgery, 3rd Edition

by Peter A. Brennan, Henning Prof Dr Schliephake, G.E. Dr. Ghali, DDS, MD, FACS and Luke Cascarini


cover image - Maxillofacial Surgery,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780702060564
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 02-02-2017
Page Count: 1698
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $490.00
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Now in full color, Maxillofacial Surgery, 3rd Edition covers the entire specialty of maxillofacial surgery, including craniofacial deformity, oral surgery, trauma, and oncology. Unlike other OMFS texts where the contributors are singly boarded in oral surgery, this richly illustrated text boasts OMFS contributors who are all dual boarded in both oral surgery and medicine. Thoroughly updated with evidence-based content, it addresses the advances in technology and procedures providing oral and maxillofacial surgeons with new and exciting treatment options. And with print and digital formats, it is easy for students to use in any setting.

    • NEW! Full-color images clearly depict pathologies, concepts, and procedures. 
    • EXPANDED and UPDATED! Expanded from 82 to 111 chapters with thoroughly revised content that reflects current information and advances in OMS, so clinicians and students can depend on this text as their go-to resource on oral maxillofacial surgery.
    • NEW! 29 new state-of-the-art chapters covering new topics, including the salivary glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands, tissue engineering, navigational surgery, 3D modeling, and lasers in OMFS. 
    • NEW! Two new editors, Professors Brennan and Schliephake, and new section editors and contributors have helped bring advances in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery and offer a fresh perspective. 
    • 2,800 illustrations, including radiographs and full color artwork and clinical photos, provide OMS students with a clear visual guide to diagnoses, key concepts, and surgical techniques, as well as examples of preoperative and postoperative results.
    • Evidence-based content supports the newest, most up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutic options available for a wide variety of clinical problems.
    • Key Points and Pitfalls boxes clearly identify the most important information, as well as potential problem areas that can arise when treating patients.
    • UPDATED! Expanded chapter on cancer keeps students in the know. 
    • Covers contemporary techniques and technological advances at the forefront of maxillofacial surgery.
    • Authoritative guidance on oral and maxillofacial surgery by internationally recognized experts in the field.
    • A multidisciplinary approach reflects the best practices in the disciplines of oral and maxillofacial surgery, head and neck surgery, plastic surgery, and otolaryngology.
    • Available in print and digital formats that can be easily accessed via mobile tablets and smart phones in any setting, making it perfect for the modern student of surgery.
    • NEW! Full-color images clearly depict pathologies, concepts, and procedures. 
    • EXPANDED and UPDATED! Expanded from 82 to 111 chapters with thoroughly revised content that reflects current information and advances in OMS, so clinicians and students can depend on this text as their go-to resource on oral maxillofacial surgery.
    • NEW! 29 new state-of-the-art chapters covering new topics, including the salivary glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands, tissue engineering, navigational surgery, 3D modeling, and lasers in OMFS. 
    • NEW! Two new editors, Professors Brennan and Schliephake, and new section editors and contributors have helped bring advances in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery and offer a fresh perspective. 
    • UPDATED! Expanded chapter on cancer keeps you in the know.
  • Part 1: Trauma 1. Etiology and Changing Patterns of Maxillofacial Trauma   Tim Forouzanfar 2. Primary Care of Maxillofacial Injuries   Jan Roodenburg 3. Establishing a Clinical Diagnosis And Surgical Treatment Plan    Christian Lindqvist and Riitta Seppänen-Kaijansinkko 4. Principles of Fracture Management: Reduction, Choice of Fixation, and Timing of Treatment   Wolfgang Puelacher 5. Surgical Management of Mandibular Fractures   Rudolf Bos 6. Condylar Fractures   Richard A. Loukota and Khalid Abdel-Galil 7. Surgical Management of Maxillary and Zygomatic Fractures   Nils-Claudius Bernhard Gellrich and Rüdiger M. Zimmerer 8. Surgical Management of Craniofacial, Nasoethmoid, and Grossly Comminuted Midface Fractures   Ashraf Messiha 9. Periorbital and Intraorbital Trauma and Orbital Reconstruction   Simon Holmes 10. Pediatric Maxillofacial Trauma   Bodo Hoffmeister 11.  Primary Management of Soft Tissue Trauma and Nerve Reconstruction   Rainer Schmelzeisen, Tobias Fretwurst and Nils-Claudius Bernhard Gellrich 12.  Neurosurgical Considerations in Craniofacial Trauma   Peter C. Whitfield 13.  Management of Military Ballistic Injuries to the Face and Neck   Neil Mackenzie

    Part 2: Oncology 14. The molecular biology of head and neck cancer   Jag Dhanda and Richard J. Shaw 15. Prognostic Factors in Oral, Oropharyngeal, and Salivary Gland Cancer   Richard J. Shaw, James Brown and Janet Mary Risk 16. Molecular Biology of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Mediated Head and Neck Cancer   Andrew Graeme Schache 17. The Team Approach in the Management of Head and Neck Cancer   Ramchandani Parkash and Simon Ellis 18. The Role of Diagnostic Radiology in Head and Neck Cancer   Julian Eamon Kabala 19.  Heath-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in Head and Neck Surgery   Simon N. Rogers and Anastasios Kanatas 20. Radiotherapy in the Management of Orofacial Cancer   Charles Gerald Kelly 21. Chemotherapy and Targeted Agents   Kevin J. Harrington

    Section 1: Principles of Ablative Surgery 22.  Anesthesia and Airway Management for Oral Cancer and Microvascular Surgery   Alison Chalmers 23.  Ablative Surgery for Cancer of the Tongue, Floor of Mouth, and Mandible   Henning Schliephake 24.  Ablative Surgery for Malignant Tumours of the Maxilla, Nasal, and Paranasal Sinuses   Wilfried Wagner and Bilal Al-Nawas 25. NECK DISSECTON   Ludi Smeele 26. Branchial Cysts   Ben C. Green and Peter A. Brennan 27. Primary Neck Masses   Christopher Harris 28. Vascular Lesions of the Head and Neck   Jens Bodem 29. Tumors of the Skull Base   Robert A. Ord 30.  Locally Aggressive Benign Jaw Tumors   Eric R. Carlson

    Section 2: Principles of Reconstructive Surgery 31.  Principles of Reconstruction   Mark L. Urken and Ilya Likhterov 32.  Principles of Microvascular Surgery   Abdul Ahmed and Michael Gilhooly 33. Reconstruction of the Maxilla   Joseph Helman 34.  Mandibular Reconstruction   Jürgen Hoffmann and Dominik Horn 35.  The Radial Forearm   Christopher M.E. Avery 36. Common Free Vascularized Flaps: The Fibula   Joshua E. Lubek 37. The Rectus Abdominis   Abdul Ahmed 38. Common Free Vascularized Flaps: The Scapula -   Henning Schliephake 39. Common Free Vascularized Flaps: The Latissimus Dorsi   Norbert R. Kübler 40. Vascularised Iliac Crest Grafts   Andrew Lyons and Rabindra P. Singh 41.  The Anterolateral Thigh and Other Perforator Flaps   Peirong Yu 42.  Other Free Flaps Used in Head and Neck Reconstruction   Alexander Johann Gaggl Sr. 43. Local and Regional Flap Reconstruction of Maxillofacial Defects   Rui P. Fernandes and Michael R. MARKIEWICZ 44.  Facial Transplantation   Eduardo D. Rodriguez 45.  Tissue engineering   Henning Schliephake, Jörg Wiltfang and Hendrik Naujokat

    Section 3: Surgical Management of Salivary Disease 46. Principles of Management of Neoplastic Salivary Gland Disease   Siegmar Reinert 47. Imaging of Salivary Glands   Gitta Madani 48. Surgical Techniques for Parotid and Submandibular Glands and Ranulae   Katherine George 49. Salivary Endoscopy   Mark McGurk and Jonathan E. Gottlieb 50.  Immediate Facial Nerve Reconstruction Following Iatrogenic Injuries   William Townley

    Section 4: Surgical Management of Facial Skin Tumors 51.  Skin Cancer of the Head and Neck   Daryl R. Godden and Mark K. Singh 52. Cutaneous Lesions of the Periorbital and Lid Region   Jörg Wiltfang, Hendrik Naujokat and Jerry N. Farrier 53.  Cutaneous and Mucosal Lip Lesions and their Reconstruction   Kunmi A. Fasanmade and Jerry N. Farrier 54.  Nonsurgical Management of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer   Anita Takwale and Margaret Jean Coyle

    Section 5: Surgical Rehabilitation and Long Term Care 55. Prosthetic Rehabilitation and Implantology after Cancer Ablation   Beomjune B. Kim 56. Reconstruction After Tumor Ablation: Extra-Oral Implants   Friedrich-Wilhelm Neukam 57. Palliative Therapy, Terminal Care, and Counseling   Friedemann Nauck

    Part 3: Craniofacial Deformity 58. Classification, Diagnosis and Etiology of Craniofacial Deformities   Douglas P. Sinn and David Yates 59.  Principles of Craniofacial Surgery and the Management of Complications   Timothy A. Turvey 60.  Psychosocial Aspects of Visual Facial Difference   Adam Blancher 61. Surgical Management of Craniosynostosis   Ghali E. Ghali, Jennifer E. Woerner and Jason E. Dashow 62.   Hemifacial Microsomia: The Disorder and Its Surgical Management   Bonnie L. Padwa 63. Treacher Collins Syndrome    David A. Koppel 64. Osteodistraction: The Present and the Future   Cesar A. Guerrero and Eric Arnaud 65. Reanimation in Congenital Disorders   Rudolf F. Buntic

    Section 2: Surgical Management of Cleft Lip and Palate Patients 66. Cleft Lip and Palate and Evidence-based Care   Serryth Colbert and Simon Van Eeden 67. Techniques for cleft lip repair   David Drake and Serryth Colbert 68. Technique for cleft Palate Repair   Brian Sommerlad 69.  Alveolar Cleft Defect Bone Grafting

  • Peter A. Brennan, Consultant Maxillofacial/Head and Neck Surgeon, Honorary Professor of Surgery, Maxillofacial Unit, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, UK, Chairman, Intercollegiate Committee for Basic Surgical Examinations (MRCS and DOHNS), Henning Prof Dr Schliephake, G.E. Dr. Ghali, DDS, MD, FACS, Surgeon, Louisiana State University, USA and Luke Cascarini
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