cover image - Manipulation of the Spine, Thorax and Pelvis - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 4th Edition
ISBN: 9780702065293
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 09-15-2016
Page Count: 330
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $91.99

Manipulation of the Spine, Thorax and Pelvis - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 4th Edition

by Peter Gibbons, MB, BS, DO, DM-Smed, MHSc and Philip Tehan, DO, DipPhysio, MHSc

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Manipulation of the Spine, Thorax and Pelvis - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 4th Edition
ISBN: 9780702065293
Copyright: 2017
Publication Date: 09-15-2016
Page Count: 330
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $91.99
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    • Presents the scientific basis of the HVLA thrust – one of the oldest and most commonly used manipulative techniques available
    • Provides an accessible synthesis of the latest evidence for the effective use of the HVLA thrust
    • Clearly explains coupled motion and describes the latest scientific research in this area
    • Presents over 250 photographs, and 60 minutes of film on an associated website
    • Contains a detailed discussion regarding patient safety
    • Presents a comprehensive discussion surrounding treatment failures
    • Well illustrated and clearly written for easy understanding
    • Advises readers with regards to safe patient selection – particularly important for the management of the cervical spine
    • Suitable for both the novice and expert readerships
    • 2-colour throughout with over 30 new images
    • Clinical history, presentation and examination for patients presenting with cervical artery dissection
    • Addresses the important issues surrounding patient consent
    • Additional research and guidelines that support the:
      • use of HVLA thrust techniques
      • use of spinal manipulation in the treatment of radiculopathy, pregnant women and children
  • Foreword Preface Acknowledgements

    Part A HVLA thrust techniques – an osteopathic perspective

    1 Introduction 2 Osteopathic history, principles and practice 3 Kinematics and coupled motion of the spine 4 Minimal leverage positioning for HVLA thrust techniques 5 Safety and HVLA thrust techniques 6 Evidence informed practice 7 Consent

    Part B HVLA thrust techniques

    8 Cervical and cervicothoracic spine Note: Before reviewing up-slope and down-slope HVLA thrust techniques, the Introduction on the website should be viewed. 8.1 Atlanto-occipital joint C0–1: Contact point on occiput; Chin hold; Patient supine; Anterior and superior thrust in a curved plane; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 8.2 Atlanto-occipital joint C0–1: Contact point on atlas; Chin hold; Patient supine; Anterior and superior thrust in a curved plane; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 8.3 Atlanto-axial joint C1–2: Chin hold; Patient supine; Rotation thrust; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 8.4 Atlanto-axial joint C1–2: Cradle hold; Patient supine; Rotation thrust; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 8.5 Cervical spine C2–7: Up-slope gliding; Chin hold; Patient supine 8.6 Cervical spine C2–7: Up-slope gliding; Chin hold; Patient supine – variation 8.7 Cervical spine C2–7: Up-slope gliding; Cradle hold; Patient supine 8.8 Cervical spine C2–7: Up-slope gliding; Cradle hold; Patient supine; Reversed primary and secondary leverage 8.9 Cervical spine C2–7: Up-slope gliding; Patient sitting; Operator standing in front 8.10 Cervical spine C2–7: Up-slope gliding; Patient sitting; Operator standing to the side 8.11 Cervical spine C2–7: Down-slope gliding; Chin hold; Patient supine 8.12 Cervical spine C2–7: Down-slope gliding; Cradle hold; Patient supine 8.13 Cervical spine C2–7: Down-slope gliding; Patient sitting; Operator standing to the side 8.14 Cervicothoracic spine C7–T3: Rotation gliding; Patient prone; Operator at side of couch 8.15 Cervicothoracic spine C7–T3: Rotation gliding; Patient prone; Operator at head of couch 8.16 Cervicothoracic spine C7–T3: Rotation gliding; Patient prone; Operator at head of couch – variation 8.17 Cervicothoracic spine C7–T3: Sidebending gliding; Patient sitting 8.18 Cervicothoracic spine C7–T3: Sidebending gliding; Patient sitting; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 8.19 Cervicothoracic spine C7–T3: Sidebending gliding; Patient sidelying 8.20 Cervicothoracic spine C7–T3: Sidebending gliding; Patient sidelying; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 8.21 Cervicothoracic spine C7–T3: Extension gliding; Patient sitting; Ligamentous myofascial positioning

    9 Thoracic spine and rib cage Note: Before reviewing thoracic spine and rib cage techniques the Upper limb positioning for sitting and supine thoracic spine techniques on the website should be viewed. 9.1 Thoracic spine T4–9: Extension gliding; Patient sitting; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 9.2 Thoracic spine T4–9: Flexion gliding; Patient supine; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 9.3 Thoracic spine T4–9: Rotation gliding; Patient supine; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 9.4 Thoracic spine T4–9: Rotation gliding; Patient prone; Short-lever technique 9.5 Ribs R1–3: Patient prone; Gliding thrust 9.6 Ribs R4–10: Patient supine; Gliding thrust; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 9.7 Ribs R4–10: Patient prone; Gliding thrust; Short-lever technique 9.8 Ribs R4–10: Patient sitting; Gliding thrust; Ligamentous myofascial positioning

    10 Lumbar and thoracolumbar spine Note: Before reviewing sidelying HVLA thrust techniques in the lumbar and thoracolumbar spine, the Introduction on the website should be viewed. 10.1 Thoracolumbar spine T10–L2: Neutral positioning; Patient sidelying; Rotation gliding thrust 10.2 Thoracolumbar spine T10–L2: Flexion positioning; Patient sidelying; Rotation gliding thrust 10.3 Lumbar spine L1–5: Neutral positioning; Patient sidelying; Rotation gliding thrust 10.4 Lumbar spine L1–5: Flexion positioning; Patient sidelying; Rotation gliding thrust 10.5 Lumbar spine L1–5: Neutral positioning; Patient sitting; Rotation gliding thrust 10.6 Lumbosacral joint (L5–S1): Neutral positioning; Patient sidelying; Thrust direction is dependent on apophysial joint plane 10.7 Lumbosacral joint (L5–S1): Flexion positioning; Patient sidelying; Thrust direction is dependent on apophysial joint plane

    11 Pelvis 11.1 Sacroiliac joint: Left innominate posterior; Patient prone; Ligamentous myofascial positioning 11.2 Sacroiliac joint: Right innominate posterior; Patient sidelying 11.3 Sacroiliac joint: Left innominate anterior; Patient supine 11.4 Sacroiliac joint: Sacral base anterior; Patient sidelying 11.5 Sacrococcygeal joint: Coccyx anterior; Patient sidelying

    Part C Technique failure and analysis


    The website – – accompanying this text includes video sequences of all the techniques described in Part B (with the exception of the last technique described in Chapter 11.) These are indicated in the text by the following symbol. It also contains an image bank of downloadable images from the book. The website is designed to be used as an adjunct to the text and not as a stand-alone product.

  • Peter Gibbons, MB, BS, DO, DM-Smed, MHSc, Associate Professor Osteopathic Medicine, Head of the School of Health Sciences, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia and Philip Tehan, DO, DipPhysio, MHSc, Senior Lecturer, Osteopathic Medicine, School of Health Sciences, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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