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cover image - Manual Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes - Elsevier E-book on VitalSource,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780702065576
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 05-28-2015
Page Count: 848
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $127.99

Manual Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes - Elsevier E-book on VitalSource, 1st Edition

by Cesar Fernandez de las Penas, PT, PhD, Dr. SciMed, Joshua Cleland, PT, PhD and Jan Dommerholt, PT, DPT, MPS

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Manual Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes - Elsevier E-book on VitalSource,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780702065576
Copyright: 2015
Publication Date: 05-28-2015
Page Count: 848
Imprint: Churchill Livingstone
List Price: $127.99
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    • The only one-stop manual detailing examination and treatment of the most commonly seen pain syndromes supported by accurate scientific and clinical data
    • Over 800 illustrations demonstrating examination procedures and techniques
    • Led by an expert editorial team and contributed by internationally-renowned researchers, educators and clinicians
    • Covers epidemiology and history-taking
    • Highly practical with a constant clinical emphasis

    1. Epidemiology of upper extremity pain syndromes Louise Thwaites and Karen Walker-Bone

    2. Epidemiology of lower extremity pain syndromes Adam Goode and Sean Rundell

    3. History taking Peter A. Huijbregts

    4. History taking for patients with lower extremity syndromes Megan Burrowbridge Donaldson and Kristina Averell

    5. Physical examination Shane Koppenhaver, Timothy Flynn and Jennifer Crane

    6. Treating the brain in chronic pain Adriaan Louw

    7. Mechanical diagnosis and therapy for the spine: McKenzie method Stephen May and Richard Rosedale

    8. Mechanical diagnosis and therapy for the extremity: McKenzie method Stephen May and Grant Richard Burges Watson


    9. Mechanical neck pain Bryan S. Dennison and Michael H. Leal

    10. Whiplash-associated disorders Michele Sterling

    11. Differential diagnosis and treatment of cervical myelopathy, cervical radiculopathy and cervical myeloradiculopathy Chad Cook and Amy Cook

    12. Thoracic outlet syndrome Susan W. Stralka

    13. Thoracic spine manipulation William Egan, Paul E. Glynn and Joshua A. Cleland

    14. Joint mobilization and manipulation of the cervical spine John R. Krauss, Douglas S. Creighton, Joshua A. Cleland and César Fernández-de-las-Peñas

    15. Therapeutic exercise for mechanical neck pain Carol Kennedy


    16. Mechanical low back pain Scott Burns, Edward Foresman, Stephenie Kraycsir, and Joshua A. Cleland

    17. Lumbar radiculopathy Chad Cook and Mark Wilhelm

    18. Lumbar spine instability Bryan S. Dennison and Michael Leal

    19. Lumbar spine in lower extremity pain syndromes Scott Burns, Paul E. Glynn, Edgar Savidge and Joshua A. Cleland

    20. The contribution of the pelvic floor muscles to pelvic pain Ruth Lovegrove Jones

    21. Chronic low back pain Mark D. Bishop, Joel E. Bialosky and Charles W. Gay

    22. Joint mobilization and manipulation of the lumbar spine Emilio J. Puentedura

    23. Therapeutic exercise for mechanical low back pain Carol Kennedy and Lenerdene Levesque

    24. Sacroiliac joint as source of pain: diagnosis and management Kenneth E. Learman


    25. Acromioclavicular joint Janette W. Powell, Ian Shrier, Peter A. Huijbregts

    26. Sternoclavicular joint Erland Pettman

    27. Rotator cuff lesions shoulder impingement Peter A Huijbregts and Carel Bron

    28. Glenohumeral instability Steven C. Allen, Russell S. VanderWilde and Peter A. Huijbregts

    29. Superior labrum anterior-to-posterior (SLAP) lesions Janette W. Powell and Peter A. Huijbregts

    30. Frozen shoulder Carel Bron, Arthur de Gast and Jo L. M. Franssen

    31. Joint mobilization of the shoulder Wayne Hing, Jack Miller and César Fernández-de-las-Peñas

    32. Motor control of the shoulder region Mary E. Magarey, Mark A. Jones and Samuel R. Baida

    33. Therapeutic exercises for the shoulder region Johnson McEvoy, Kieran O’Sullivan and Carel Bron


    34. Hip osteoarthritis Alexis A. Wright

    35. Other hip disorders: muscle, labrum and bursa John Dewitt and David Kohlrieser

    36. Postoperative management of hip disorders Robert C. Manske and Erik Meira

    37. Joint mobilization and manipulation of the hip Jack Miller and Wayne Hing

    38. Therapeutic exercises for the lower quadrant Carol Kennedy and Lenerdene Levesque


    39. Elbow tendinopathy: lateral epicondylalgia Bill Vicenzino

    40. Other elbow disorders: elbow instability, arthritic conditions Chris A. Sebelski

    41. Joint mobilization and manipulation of the elbow Helen Slater and César Fernández-de-las-Peñas


    42. Ligamentous and meniscal injuries of the knee Carol A. Courtney and Craig P. Hensley

    43. Knee osteoarthritis Lars Arendt-Nielsen and César Fernández-de-las-Peñas

    44. Patellofemoral pain syndrome Johnson McEvoy and Caroline MacManus

    45. Postoperative management of the knee: ligamentous, meniscal and total joint replacement Jodi Young and Ellen Pong

    46. Joint mobilization and manipulation of the knee Cody Weisbach, William Egan, Paul E. Glynn and Joshua A. Cleland

    47. Tendinopathy for the knee Ellen Pong


    48. Tendinopathies of the wrist and hand C. Joseph Yelvington and Ellen Pong

    49. Carpal instability Ellen Pong

    50. Carpal tunnel syndrome Luca Padua, Daniele Coraci and César Fernández-de-las-Peñas

    51. Other entrapment neuropathies Joy C. MacDermid and David M. Walton

    52. Joint mobilization and manipulation Peter A. Huijbregts, Freddy M. Kaltenborn and Traudi Baldauf Kaltenborn

    53. Finger and thumb pathology Joy C. MacDermid, Ruby Grewal and B. Jane Freure


    54. Ankle sprains Thomas Denninger and Gary Austin

    55. Plantar heel pain Matthew P. Cotchett

    56. Postoperative management of foot and ankle disorders 623 Stephanie Albin, Mark W. Cornwall and Thomas G. McPoil

    57. Manipulation of the foot and ankle William Egan, Wayne Hing, Jack Miller

  • Cesar Fernandez de las Penas, PT, PhD, Dr. SciMed, Professor, Dept of PT, OT, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Joshua Cleland, PT, PhD, Professor, Franklin Pierce University, Physical Therapy Program, Manchester, NH, USA and Jan Dommerholt, PT, DPT, MPS, Myopain Seminars, LLC, Bethesda, MD, USA; Bethesda Physiocare, Inc, Bethesda, MD, USA.
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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