Pass PACES, 1st Edition
Gives the candidate a stepwise approach in how to present the clinical cases that appear in the exam, with the aim of achieving full marks in the clinical stations.
Highlights the extra knowledge and information sought by examiners in order to award full marks at the discussion phase of each station.
Gives advice on time management and organization before and during the exam.
Uses smart memory techniques in order to create brain images for candidates to be able to recruit knowledge under the stress of the exam.
Presents unique hidden curriculum knowledge and non-technical skills tips, customised for this exam.
Accompanying videos that walk candidates through key examinations for each station, and podcasts giving instructional tips and guidance.
On ExpertConsult for access to e-book, videos and podcasts on the move.
- How to examine and present cardiology cases
- How to examine and present respiratory cases
- How to examine and present renal cases
- How to examine and present abdominal cases
- How to examine and present neurology cases
- How to pass the history-taking station